Hey, newbie here and looking to get a home brew kit started for my birthday.
I have been looking at the Coopers Austrilian Lager kit, read on here that this produces a good lager, unless someone can recommend something else?
From what I have read on here, will need the following
Fermentation Bin
Additional Keg
Brewing Sugar
CO2 Pelets?
Correct me if I am wrong but you put the sugar (can normal sugar be used or is brewing sugar best?) and yeast etc into the fermentation bin, let that ferment for a few days until the hydrometer reading is 1.080? Then you transfer this to a keg to rack (for a couple days at 18c and then a few weeks at a lower temperature?) then bottle by putting a couple of CO2 pelets into the bottle then sphyon from the keg into the bottles, then rack for a few more weeks and then refrigerate. I understand the whole process takes about 6 weeks?
Sorry for the newbie question but want to make sure I have everything before starting out on this adventure!
I have been looking at the Coopers Austrilian Lager kit, read on here that this produces a good lager, unless someone can recommend something else?
From what I have read on here, will need the following
Fermentation Bin
Additional Keg
Brewing Sugar
CO2 Pelets?
Correct me if I am wrong but you put the sugar (can normal sugar be used or is brewing sugar best?) and yeast etc into the fermentation bin, let that ferment for a few days until the hydrometer reading is 1.080? Then you transfer this to a keg to rack (for a couple days at 18c and then a few weeks at a lower temperature?) then bottle by putting a couple of CO2 pelets into the bottle then sphyon from the keg into the bottles, then rack for a few more weeks and then refrigerate. I understand the whole process takes about 6 weeks?
Sorry for the newbie question but want to make sure I have everything before starting out on this adventure!