help with diy immersion chiller

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Jan 7, 2010
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I am needing to make an immersion chiller for my next brew. The ice on the pond will soon be melted away. :(

Can anyone give me a list of the fixings I require and the size of copper pipe so that I can attach my hoselock hose to it. you know the push on pull off ones.

I'd be really grateful as this would save me a lot of time faffing at b&q or screwfix.
Ok, here's the bits for mine - everyone's seem to be slightly different, depending on what they've got in the junk box.

1 roll of 10mm microbore copper
2 10mm to 15mm solder ring connectors (or endfeed, compression, etc)
2 x 3" of 15mm copper pipe
2 x washing machine taps
2 x hozelock male tap fittings (3/4" BSP female)

Coil up your coil, then at the ends fit the 15mm copper to the coil using the 15-10mm fitting. Then attach the washing machine taps to the 15mm copper. Screw on hozelock fittings. Done.

You could also scrap the other fittings and just build up the connections to the hoze using some smaller hoze, or PTFE tape and then clamp the hoze on with a jubilee clip.

Haven't got any photos sorry, but I'm sure someone will come along with some.

EDIT: Found pic

would it be easier to just use 15mm copper pipe then it wont need those extra connectors. taps straight on.
You could, but I don't think it would be as effective. (Would the surface area be more or less? My brains not working this late on a Friday afternoon).

It certainly wouldn't be as easy to bend, not to mention more expensive.

It was only about £2.50 on top of the copper coil to make mine (all parts from BES).
(Would the surface area be more or less? My brains not working this late on a Friday afternoon).
It would be less. The surface area of copper in contact with wort v coolant would be reduced and hence the IC would be less efficient. Couple that with the fact the IC length would be reduced due to tube diameter, your better using 10mm.
It certainly wouldn't be as easy to bend, not to mention more expensive
Most IC's use quite a lot of copper. You wouldn't be able to get the same length of 15mm without connecting lengths together, and the bending would be a RPITA.

Go with the 10mm :thumb:
cant find anywhere that sells the 10mm in less than 10 meter rolls! Can anybody help?
You will need at least 10meters in the coil else it wont be effective!
I have 25m in my twin coil chiller 10m in one and 15m in the larger one
will standard garden hose fit snug over 10mm copper pipe? I guess it wont do, but what if i put a couple of olives on each end and used jubilee clips? That might work :hmm:
Standard garden hose is 15mm ish, it fits perfect on 15mm piping with Jubliees!
Yep thats a good price :thumb: You could just get the 15mm-10mm reducers and put the hose on them instead of the push on connectors or you could get some of these to clamp on the 15mm piping?
Thats a super neat job MD :thumb: .
Keeping the connections outside the kettle is also a good idea, just incase there are any small leaks or drips from the cooling water into the wort.

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