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New Member
Aug 25, 2012
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I'm new to this. Just done my second kit brew and same problem as the first:

Brewed fine, all went well and bottled first brew. Opened and some bottles were flat and some were really fizzy. The odd ones that were ok tasted fine. This was an old English ale made with dried extract.

Second brew tried the raspberry wheat beer which is tinned extract thinking that was the issue. Decanted the brew into 2 5l kegs and rest bottled. I left it two weeks longer in the fv and again some bottles flat, some very very fizzy. Last bottle sprayed all over the mother in law :lol: The two kegs are so pressured they have misshapened but not burst, yet!

What am I doing wrong? I want to do a few simple kits first before moving onto, extract brewing etc but I'm losing confidence fast.

Can someone help please.
did u prime all bottles with the same amount of sugar?
how long did u leave the bottles in the warm, then in a cooler area? usually I leave mine at room temp for 2 weeks then somewher cool like the garage for at least a month before opening.

how much sugar are you putting in the keg? its odd how some are flat and the others are fizzy, usually its all fizzy or all flat? it might be worthwhile posting your bottling/ kegging process as it could be a number of things
Hey Ab
Thanks for replying. I primed all the same approx half a teaspoon (using a measure) to each 500ml bottle. I then kept all in the garage in the same conditions as the brewing process for a week before moving to a cooler spot in an empty stable.

I use the glass bottles with the grolsch type stoppers. Maybe I should try some other type and leave for longer. I still have the rest of my brew and will wait until November now before opening one to see if it's different. What bothers me is the kegs almost bursting and being pushed out of shape. Should I leave in the fv longer? Already went two weeks over what it said on the box.