Help!! Origional WOW not clearing.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
Reaction score
Bangor, N.Ireland
I put a WOW on with original recipe. I racked it one week ago after 2 weeks in the DJ. Added bentonite and camden and shook to degas. It has dropped a new sediment which is not compact yet, the wine looks clear but not opaque. I cant see through it at all. Is that a pectic haze? I did add pectic enzyme at the start. Do I need do it again. Do I add vinclear maybe as well. Any thoughts much appreciated.
What was the gravity when you racked? If you racked too soon it will ferment slowly on for a very long time. Pectic enzyme doesnt like alcohol, thats why you add it at the start, so no use now. Adding isinglass finings speeds up clearing and is your best bet.
Bentonite is beneficial if added from the start, and is contained within some of the super yeast compounds. I've never really got on with it as a finings agent though and always use Kwik Clear or Vinclear. Then again, those aren't veggie-friendly, but that's not something I've ever had to worry about.
If it taste anything like mine did you will be giving the sink drain a cleaning. A cross between diesel and kerosene for sure. Mike
No, I tasted it and it tastes great, just like a nice white wine. I tasted my Moley raspberry wine also 10 mins ago and it is just divine also and they haven't past one month from brewing yet so they can only get better. :) The WOW is getting clearer just last two days, but its slow so Vinclear should sort it for Christmas.