Active Member
Started a St peter's Golden Ale two days ago and nothing seems to be happening. Had a few kits stick before after 5-6 days but
haven't had one that doesn't even produce a single burp through the airlock for this long! Usually bubbling away merrily by now.
Had a peep in and seems to have an inch of yeasty looking froth on top but bit worried about lack of co2 being produced.
Anyone had a similar experience before or any tips to get it going again (it is already sat in a plastic bath with aquarium heater
set to 22 degrees)??
haven't had one that doesn't even produce a single burp through the airlock for this long! Usually bubbling away merrily by now.
Had a peep in and seems to have an inch of yeasty looking froth on top but bit worried about lack of co2 being produced.
Anyone had a similar experience before or any tips to get it going again (it is already sat in a plastic bath with aquarium heater
set to 22 degrees)??