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simon john

Active Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Dorset / Somerset border
Hi Everybody

My name's Simon, I'm very old (53) and grumpy most of the time. I live in Dorset and started making wine last year. I am keen on using the local hedgerow stuff like Elderberries, Blackberries, Rosehips etc. Also nobody seems to want their apples so I tidy up their gardens for them. The two batches of Apple wine I made first were surprisingly good (one dry one sweet so two bottles always opened at the same time). I've just bottled a batch of Rosehip (tasted a bit astringent to me but maybe it will improve). I also bottled some Elderberry which I think is much too sweet.

I'm definitely into low cost living (got no choice really), so this arvo, we used the juicer we got from freecycle to make a gallon of apple juice from next door's windfalls - in a week or too this will go into one of the demijohn's we purchased from the local recycling center (the tip!) for 50p. Now, if I could just grow my own sugar......

I have a recipe for Marrow wine in my WI Wine making book - I have TONS of courgettes and marrows - anyone tried it? I have heard that it is pretty nasty????

Hello grumpy old man .. plenty of us in here! Well .. trainee ones!

Never tried courgette or marrow wine ... but can't see any problems with it at all ... all it'll need is a bit of sugar :roll:

Nice to meet you
Tony said:
Hello grumpy old man .. plenty of us in here! Well .. trainee ones!

Hey Tony... I'm a fully paid up member of the G.O.M club I'll have you know :rofl:

Simon John....Hi & Welcome to the forum....this is without doubt the best place to be when it's to do with homebrew....

now your Q about marrows...way back in the mists of time :roll:
the old boys would cut the top off and hollow out (take out the seeds) then pack with sugar..put the top back on and peg with a couple of toothpicks.
Put it in a sproutnet and hang it over a bucket....weeks later it would start to drip out of the bottom of the marrow....collect and pop into a DJ...they called it marrow rum....but don't know if they put yeast in or not...worth a try :pray:

Hi again...found this LINK I was not far off.. :wha: they do use yeast and orange juice...so now you know get going and let us see what comes out of it...we need photos by the way.. :thumb:
Welcome Simon :cheers: (you old fart, I'm only forty-twelve).

I am with you all the way on free hedgerow ingredients :thumb:

I've never tried marrow wine, but I've also heard it's a waste of sugar :sick:

Here's one of my favourite websites which might appeal to any other Grumpy Old Sods
Welcome to the Forum SJ.
You're not as old as I am, but I bet you're only half as grumpy!