Hello from Gloucester

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New Member
Aug 19, 2010
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I'm Sue, been making wine for about 4 years, although had a go a couple of times before.
Husband makes beer from kits.
Last year my wine making really took off, I went foraging, collected 65Kg of fruit over 5 days, turned it all into Jam, chutney and wine!

This year so far I started with dandelion, then Elderflower, then Cherry.
In the past week I have started - blackberry melomel, blackberry wine, Apple wine, blackberry vodka.
Yesterday I started Greengage, Plum, and today I plan to do Damson.

Next on my list are Rosehip, Hawthornberry, Rowanberry, Blackberry and Apple, Sloe, and a port.
Hi Sue, and welcome to the forum :cheers:

That's a good collection you've got on the go.

Blackberry melomel sounds interesting, any chance of a recipe?
Received with thanks, that's going to the top of my ‘to do’ list. :thumb:
All my recipes are on my blog!!
For the wine, I do tend to use Berry a lot!

But basic mead is 1kg BBerries. 3, 4 or 5lb honey depending on how sweet you like it, and 15g citric acid.
PurpleSue said:
All my recipes are on my blog!!
Aaah, I see, that's what the WWW button at the bottom of your posts does, I've only been here for a year and a half and I didn't realise that.

I never click on those, so unless a member links to a blog in their signature I won't find it.

That's a comprehensive blog you've got there, nice work :thumb:
I like to make lots of notes on things that I do. I hope it will help others that also want a go at being self sufficient etc, and also a record so I know what I did and when! What worked, if I changed anything, what I can change next time etc.
I also get loads of people asking me how I do things, etc. food and wine recipes, info on growing veg, keeping chickens, recycling, vegetarian cooking etc, so I just refer them to the blog!
Hi Sue, welcome to the forum, I see from your pic on your blog why PurpleSue :lol:

Great blog BTW. :thumb: