Hello all looking for a partner in crime

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New Member
Jan 7, 2014
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Hi all

I've been home brewing for a while now with marginal success : ) I'm looking for homebrewers in the London area looking to take a step up to commercial level in the form of a small micro-brewery. I'm a young architect who has quit office life looking to embark on a small-scale craft beer startup in the London area. I am looking for an individual to form a partnership with. Nothing massive just super small scale and take it form there I guess!

Many Thanks
That sounds awesome, wish I was brave enough to do something like this!

Best of luck :drink:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
Dennis King on here brews some fine ales.. :thumb:


Thank's for the name check John but I'm a bit long in the tooth for a career change.
Hi and welcome to the forum and good luck with your venture. There several on here who have nade that step.
Hello, and welcome to the forum. That sounds very exciting. I started brewing when I read about how BrewDog went from 2 men and a dog in 2007 to a multi million pound brewery in 5 years. I don't live in London but wish you the best of luck.
