I will actually write up a conclusion now since I have now tried both parts of this.
Honestly and under no obligation I think this is a really great kit, The beer comes out light with a sweetish maltiness and it does have a bit of strenght which you cannot deny but its perfectly drinkable it has a sharpe bitter backbone and a real citrusy front, sounds like there is a lot going on but its perfectly balanced.
I split this batch into 2 because at the time I coulnd't do teh full lenght, both are similar although my second attempt came out 1% stronger. Both are great although I do prefer my 1st one purley because its a bit better balanced and I also dry hopped for 5 days instead of 3. But these are of course me being a newish you could say AG brewer looking at different methods.
I hadn't done anything like this (DIPA) before with extract brewing or an ordinary kit let alone all grain and I didn't have to worry about the recipe, it was picked for me so out the box so I didn't need to worry about whether or not it was good, it should be good and it was. Like I said above it reminds me of Proper Job
Anyway here is a picture the lighting perhaps makes the drink look a toucher darker than it was..
Thank you to everyone for organising this and to HBC.. I am certainly going to pick another one of these up possibly the Stout MyQul did.