It’s been a couple of weeks now since I bottled some Mild with differing quantities of priming sugar (0g, 0.5g, 2g) and tonight I’m trying them. The pressurisation is much the same as last week and I posted the results from that.
I’m starting with the two that had priming sugar added. I tried to pour both the same - fairly slowly down the side of a tilted glass.
No surprises here, the one with more priming sugar produced more of a head and gave a louder hiss on opening.
Head retention is a little better with the more highly carbonated beer bring fed by a constant stream of tiny bubbles. A gentle swirl of the glass created a foam quickly on the more carbonated beer where it made little difference with the other beer.
The aroma is stronger from the more carbonated beer but it also seems lighter than the lower carbonated beer which although not as strong does seem more inviting - maybe like the difference between dark muscovado and light muscovado?
The flavour of the lower carbonated beer is pretty much what I expected and the mouthfeel is light. The finish is fairly dry but leaves your lips just a little tacky. There is no lingering bitterness. The more highly carbonated beer is fizzy in the mouth and quickly foams up. The impression is of a lighter beer and there is a slightly odd taste which might even be slightly soapy? The finish is really dry and the tackiness on the lips is replaced with a squeaky clean dryness. After half a pint of this one I feel bloated and belching like a trooper!!
I finished by opening the bottle with no added sugar and it was pretty much the same as the bottle with 0.5g of priming sugar.
So I have some results that I hope will help when bottling beers to send to other people and into competitions. I now intend to try bottling from keg with no additional priming sugar. Apologies in advance to anyone receiving a flat beer from me!