Have I ruined my King Keg ?

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Active Member
Jan 12, 2011
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After emptying my keg I cleaned it out and then put some sodium metabisulphate in with some boilng water to sterilize it. I left it in the garage and forgot to drain it and now 3 months later I have come to use it again. When I opened the lid there was a "sweaty" smell so I emptied it and let it vent for a couple of days but the smell is still there. I have put half a gallon of boiling water and a tsp of metabisulphate in and left it for an hour then emptied it but the smell is still there.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to restore the inside of my keg back to an odour free container.
Thanks in advance.
You could try filling it up with a strong solution of something like VWP and leaving it overnight.. Sodium metabisulphaye isn't much good for cleaning (and not too good for sterilising either)
Thanks for the quick reply. I have just Googled VWP and looked on my lhbs website and they don't sell it (they sell sod-metabisulphate as a sterilizer). Is there something I can get locally (Wilkies,Asda,Boots etc) to do the job without replacing one odour with another?
Pretty sure bicarb of soda is suggested for getting rid oe smells. Google it for instructions. After that, give it a damn good clean and sterilise
The youngs stuff is ok, but just switched to vwp recently and it's much better. I'd do as suggested above, get some vwp. Fill your keg with warm water and 3 or 4 tsp of that, leave for 24hrs and it'll be fine :thumb:
I had an old beersphere that reeked of glue when I left some beer in there for far too long, a clean wtih a microfibre cloth and oxy followed by a good soak with thin bleach and water seemed to help with the smell. Obvioulsy you will need to rinse really well after that.

It ended up going to lancssteve for a secondary for beers with brett, lacto etc and doesn't seem to have caused any harm to the beer - his orval style brew which went through the keg came 2nd in the belgian/french category at the Bristol Comp.