Have I killed it?

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Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
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So I've made a few successful brews before and thought this time I'd try the coopers pilsner. Read up on the details of brewing at a lower temp etc and thought I was going good until I checked the FV and nothing seems to be happening (after24 hrs) There seems to be a few clumps of what I hope are yeast on the surface but nothing like previous brews. Is pilsner that much slower? Am i being impatient? Help

I should point out I've done this without the aid of a thermometer so can't get accurate temp readings. Any help would be appreciated
Depends on what those temperatures are... too hot will finish it off.
Also did you start the yeast? In my first brew I did not start a phial of white labs yeast and it took 36 to 48 hours to get going.
Most people say to give it 72 hours so don't panic yet.

A stir and the warm (but not hot) are friends of yeast fermenting.

Nothing to worry about at all yet mate. I thought the same thing with my coopers australian lager. I put this on at about 8pm on Tuesday and at 10am this morning (38 hours later) F.all had happened. I got back from work at 10pm tonight and it looks like this

I know it's a different lager, and you ferment at lower temperatures, but there seems to be a generic virtue that applies to any kit brew, any extract and any AG, and that's patience. There's no need to panic. I had a bad feeling about mine but I think its ok now. :)

Good luck by the way.

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