over a week ago I put together a Brupak brewer's choice IPA kit with extra 1kg DME - everything appeared to ferment ok. Just got around to bottling it tonight and after lifting the fv lid, there is a strange smell to the brew - my Mrs reckons it smells a bit like red wine! It does smell a little 'vinegary' but tastes bland!
Have I brewed a dud one?
I've bottled it up anyway hoping for the best...
One thing I did different this time was to move it to another FV after 5 days to move it off the yeast cake. Could this step have hampered it?
over a week ago I put together a Brupak brewer's choice IPA kit with extra 1kg DME - everything appeared to ferment ok. Just got around to bottling it tonight and after lifting the fv lid, there is a strange smell to the brew - my Mrs reckons it smells a bit like red wine! It does smell a little 'vinegary' but tastes bland!
Have I brewed a dud one?
I've bottled it up anyway hoping for the best...
One thing I did different this time was to move it to another FV after 5 days to move it off the yeast cake. Could this step have hampered it?