Can't escape the sense that my 5L AG brew smells a bit............well.............fishy.

Can't escape the sense that my 5L AG brew smells a bit............well.............fishy.
You can. By making a concentrated wort and diluting in the FV. E.g. I can make a full 23L brew usng my 15L pot as long as it's 1.040 OG or lower (If I want to make a higher OG I just do a shorter brew length)
Tell me if I'm wrong, bit I find there is a bit of an odd taste to kits. They are perfectly drinkable but there is a strange taste there.I've done two kits, both turned out fine and enjoyable, but both had that strange taste.
8 weeks! You did well. Only managed a couple of weeks myself before my first taste. Mine was clear though, so is my second go which is 6 days into carbonating at the moment. I suppose it depends on what you're making.Well, it's been in the shed for 8 or more weeks and I've tried a bottle.
Firstly, she is a lively beast, opening the bottle resulted in a lot of bubble over spill.
Is this an over carb issue?
Beer itself, we'll it's a bit cloudy. I'm guessing the temp hasn't been that cold in my shed to clear it.
Taste wise... Well it's not as hoppy as I imagined, but it tasted not too bad. I have to say it's a lot better than the kits I've made so far.
Tell me if I'm wrong, bit I find there is a bit of an odd taste to kits. They are perfectly drinkable but there is a strange taste there. I've done two kits, both turned out fine and enjoyable, but both had that strange taste.
This on the other hand has no problems with odd tastes and is a very clean beer. The closer I've got to the bottom of the glass the better it is :-)
Defo ain't going back to kits now.
All I have to worry about now is opening the mini keg of the stuff next weekend!!!
That will be the home brew twang you see members post about often, have a look at this - http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=68929
Funny that. My first kit was a woodfordes nelsons revenge. That was smooth as silk in the pressure barrel after only a few weeks. It's the only kit I've done that hasn't had a dry hop. I wonder if what I'm picking up is bitterness from the dry hop?I had a wherry the other night, along side a couple of partial mash beers. it was about 8 months old, and id used up some specialty grains (cold steeped) at the time. I have to say this beer was smooth as. it put the other too in the shade. it was just a shame it was the last one. the flavours were bouncing around all over the place, and there was certainly no strange taste or 'twang'.
all ill say is, with some extra grains (costing pence when used sparingly) added to the premium kits (I used amber/crystal and a pinch of roasted barley) and along with a good few months conditioning, these beers can be virtually impossible to work out over AG or kit IMO anyway.
ill prob get another one going as I feel ifi can make a kit in an hour and have the same quality of beer ina few months time post summer (with cold steeped grains) then its worth the time (cant really add 'expense' doaw!):lol:
I used 1/2 teaspoon plain white sugar per 500ml bottle and this was fine for me, a nice hiss on opening but no frothing out. Dit it seem over carbonated when drinking?
That will be the home brew twang you see members post about often, have a look at this - http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=68929
Blimey, guys.
I'm mashing now.
I used my six litre pot to get the mash going. I couldn't boil it in that pot alone, so brought into play a slightly smaller vessel.
Added some Willamette hops at start of boil, ready to add a few more towards the end. Fv sterilised and ready to go. Going to use some crossmyloof real ale yeast.
Sorry for hogging the thread.
I think I overpitched a bit.
No krausen whatsoever.
clarifying, perhaps
In the excitement I forgot to measure OG![]()
Reads as 1.022 now.
I'm not sure what it is doing. Sample tasted quite nice....I can imagine it clear & cold.
But......no krausen?Just a bit of scum at the edges.
Leave it a week?
My first AG was 5Ltrs in a 25Ltr FV and it was fine. Bought a 10Ltr FV now, for ease of use and so I can stack on top of the bigger FVs.Right - I have my 15l pot.
I have my Bag.
I have the sieve.
I'm ordering ingredients today.
Question - my FV is a 25l, I'm making the 10l version, will it be ok fermenting in a 25l bucket ?
Don't really want to have to order a 15l bucket just yet. Worried there will be too much air in there if not.?
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