has my brew stuck?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2012
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swansea south wales
On my fifth extract brew now And Im worried it may be stuck.There was pressure because one chamber was higher than the other.but now they are both the same level.Hydrometer reading?or should Inot risk opening the lid?Thanks in advance or responses.
Sorry,should have given more info.Its a youngs pilsner lager,I made a hop tea to start it off.I also added a muntons enhancer1kg.Brewed it 4 days ago,There is condensation on the inside of the lid.Have you ever had to start a fermentation off again?
To be honest, I'd leave it alone for a few more days to let it do its thing. If you're really concerned measure the SG... did you measure the SG before you added the yeast? If its dropped, its fermenting. If you have it at the right temp (18-20degC) it'll probably be fine.

p.s. condensation is normal, it'll be warmer inside your FV than out... probably due to an ongoing exothermic fermentation.
Possibly could have astuck fermentation if there is no movement in the airlock. It'd be worth giving it a gentle stir (not too vigorous, you don't want to oxidise it) to see if you can wake the yeasties then leave for another day or so to see what happens. May as well take a hydrometer reading also to see whats happening - what was the OG?
What temp is the area where you are fermenting?
I've had a couple stick at around 1.020 and I've given it a stir and then added some more yeast and have managed to drop a few more points. The beer still ended up tasting great, just the ABV was a little lower than expected.

When I use a FV with airlock I never get bubbles going through however the state of the surface will show it's active. Airlock is not really necessary, just a snap on lid, which is not airtight. We seem to have more queries/discussions on airlock use than anything else. I feel it's a distraction for beginning brewers.
Im a bit confeusdf now,removed the lid last night and took a hydrometer reading.It has defo fermented down, the reading was 1.010 ish.I replaced the lid and within an hour the airlock was showing pressure pushing up its liquid.Great.Then it droped level again!Just checkrd it again and there it is again showing pressure.hydrometer reading tomorrow.Any ideas why it seems to stop/start producing co2?
Airlock activity is not a good sign of fermentation. Maybe your lid doesn't have a reliable seal? Either way, sounds like your beer has fermented well. Congrats! Assuming it goes no further in the next couple if days... get it bottled.

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