Gyro's big day

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Apr 10, 2024
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Hello all, I finally got the time to do a bit of brewing! Actually it was on Wednesday, but here goes.

First on the agenda was a Ciderworks Superior cider kit. I started off by thoroughly satanising the equipment. This was achieved by playing Venom's 1981 album "Welcome to Hell" at it at thoroughly antisocial volume levels, followed by Cliff Richard's Lord's Prayer played backwards at 33 rpm to get that deep demonic sound. I stopped short of doing a human sacrifice as they are somewhat frowned upon in this day and age, and besides, finding a sacrificial virgin in Aylesbury is virtually impossible.

Next step was to add the apple concentrate, followed by the enclosed brewing sugar and some hot water. I mixed it thoroughly then added a litre and a half of Asda apple juice just to add a bit more apple flavour then topped up with cold water. I then added some Harris purebrew, mixed thoroughly again and took a hydrometer reading, which came in at about 1060. I then checked the temperature was between 20-24c and put in the yeast.

I fitted the lid to the fermentation bucket and fitted the airlock then moved it to the meter cupboard to do its job.

Next was the Winexpert reserve Californian Merlot. I dissolved the bentonite in a couple of litres of water in the fv, then added the grape concentrate. I then topped it up with water. I think I may have added a couple of litres more water than I should have, but you live and learn. I mixed it all thoroughly then put in the oak chips as per the instructions. Next time I'll take the hydrometer reading first as doing so proved rather messy with oak chips sticking to the trial jar and hydrometer itself. I must invest in a wine thief. Next I added the two sachets of yeast (Lalvin EC1118 and Lalvin Bourgovin RC 212 for those interested) and Adobe of Harris purebrew. Fitted the lid and airlock and off to the meter cupboard it went.


Questions: In the wine kit instructions it said to use a loose fitting lid and airlock. Surely if the lid is loose the airlock would be redundant? Should I have the lid tight, or back it off a bit?

Also in some of the YouTube videos I've seen, people recommend stirring the wine during fermentation. Is that a good idea, or would it lead to oxidisation?

Any thoughts welcome.
Could it imply that you need the lid loose just to stop stuff falling in for the first few days then fermentation is vigorous.

Then when it's dropped off put it on properly & let the airlock do its job.

If you just use a standard size airlock, you can find the early fermentation creates enough pressure to blow the water out of the air lock
Could it imply that you need the lid loose just to stop stuff falling in for the first few days then fermentation is vigorous.

Then when it's dropped off put it on properly & let the airlock do its job.

If you just use a standard size airlock, you can find the early fermentation creates enough pressure to blow the water out of the air lock
Thanks. The fermentation, whilst sounding vigorous hasn't created bubbles in the airlock so far. I can hear it fizzing away merrily so perhaps the CO2 is escaping elsewhere.