Guitar as Xmas prezzie- how do I play this thing

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I was always under the impression that guitar players and piano players for that matter, had narrow fingers. Or do they just get that way after all the hard work?
Practise practise practise. I'm self taught and now play on stages all over the world. Start of finding a few basic songs you like and learn the chords, this will give you the motivation to play them over and over again. Buy some chord books, or better still get lessons, which will help you to improve much more quickly.

I started learning acoustic about 8 years ago and spent about a year going to a guitar teacher once a week for lessons. I did get to the point where I could just about get through an Oasis track but found that I did not have enough spare time to commit to all the practice required and my guitar teacher got very frustrated with me when I was not achieving the progress he expected - I don't think he was compatible with me to be honest. In the end I stopped going to him and have not touched it for at least 6 years since :oops:

I'd like to pick it up again but it is a big commitment if you really want to get proficient - not something I have time for at the moment :roll:
cutnrun said:
if you have a games console you could try Rocksmith

I dont play but did consider this option if i ever get some spare time!

Wife got me rocksmith for Xmas, absolutely love it!!
Addicted to RockSmith at the mo, although i don't rate it too high as a learning tool. It is fun and teaches you how to play songs. The minigames on there are useful aswell. Oh and the virtual amp and pedals.

Definitely use Youtube as a resource for learning. Ive been at it for about 2 months now from complete noob and starting to get somewhere.

I still have trouble with barre chords and power chords though as my fingers just wont get into the required positions. Although it is a boring exercise, spend a few weeks practicing arpegios, scales etc. Good for getting the fingers moving and for developing an ear for the individual notes.

10 minutes practice a day is far better than an hour at the weekend.

Maybe in 10 years time i will be able strangle the thing like David Gilmour can but i doubt it :lol:
There's always the option of pouring lighter fuel on it and doing a Hendrix. :clap: