Grrr supermarkets...

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Mar 8, 2011
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Just been to Tesco to pick up some grape juice, their own brand cartons are now £1.60 each :shock: :evil: Seriously, two weeks ago they were 85p each. How can they justify putting up the price by nearly 100% in one go?? I know there's a bit of a grape juice shortage going on, but that move seems ridiculous. That almost doubles the cost of most of my batches of wine :? I may as well make mead more often now since there's little difference in cost.

My favourite wines so far have been the hippy teabags ones, I wonder would they be much worse off for replacing one of the grape juices with apple or something? Every time a supermarket doubles the price of one of their products I try my best to boycott buying it there in future :twisted:
Check the top shelf, to the side of their own brand juices.

Ours have their own at silly prices but also Sun Grown grape juices at 85p/litre. Not all stores seem to stock this cheaper brand though.
I did check all round for the Sun Grown brand, but didn't see any, I'll check again next time though, they're constantly moving stuff around in our local store.

JimmyB78 said:
They've probably put the price up in preparation for a forthcoming 'Buy 1 get 1 free' or a 'Price Drop'

I bet you're right, although they do that mostly with big brands rather than their own stuff. I hope it's a "Buy One, Get Two Free" as they very occasionally do :D
JimmyB78 said:
They've probably put the price up in preparation for a forthcoming 'Buy 1 get 1 free' or a 'Price Drop'
I think this is very likely. You have to be a bit wary of 'offers' and the pre-'offer' artificial price hike for the minimum period required by law that Sainsburys and Tesco have a habit of doing.
Just been to my local Morrissons ( Cromer ) and their white grape juice is all " Reduced to clear " at 99p a litre usally £ 1.49p Time to stock up I think.
It has to be the higher price for at least 28 days prior to a cut/ BOGOF. LAW. I work in retail BTW. I think it is very cynical of the supermarkets, and everyone knows they do it!
My local Tesco extra has their own brand grape juice @£1 red or white, and the cheaper brand they stock at 85p. No shortage or price hike at Asda here either.
Moley said:
Check the top shelf, to the side of their own brand juices.

Ours have their own at silly prices but also Sun Grown grape juices at 85p/litre. Not all stores seem to stock this cheaper brand though.

I always go for the Sun Grown.. it's own-brand, what used to be the Tesco Value brand. Most of the Value brand ranges now have more interesting and less cheap sounding names - similar to the way Lidl/Aldi name their own-brand lines.

If it says Tesco in big letters on the packaging, then it's probably the second cheapest own label. There's usually very little difference between the own-brand ranges when you look at the nutritional information and the ingredients list, I think most of the practical difference is in cheaper packaging (from memory the Tesco named one has a spout with screw lid, the Tesco Sun Grown has a tear-off top) which makes no difference for our purposes as we're mostly going to be using full container quantities and not have it hanging around in the fridge.
There does appear to be a grape shortage. Tesco have just raised the price of Winebuddy by 15%. But food prices generally are on the rise because the world has too many mouths to feed and the weather is getting more extreme, affecting harvests badly. Fortunately home winemakers can be very flexible in our choice of ingredients.
+1 Sun Grown. My family and I drink a lot of juice and Sun Grown is absolutely fine . Their WGJ is crystal clear.
Tesco in Belfast isn't stocking Sun Grown WGJ either, I checked at the weekend after reading this thread. Plenty of Welches in the fridges but nothing of any brand in the juice aisle....