An Ankoù
Thanks for that. I tend to get my malt from thehomebrewcompany in Ireland as they'll crush it for free. Wouldn't mind trying Swaen except crushing is such a pain.In my inventory atm:
Swaen Ale
Swaen Pale Ale
Swaen Pilsner
Swaen Rye malt
Black Swaen Black
Black Swaen Choco-B
The base malts are as good as Dingemans and Weyermann, and I still have too many factors in my brewing process to notice differences in the base malts. Efficiencywise the same results, so I mostly pick according to style ethnicity: Belgian, German, Dutch. My longterm inventory plans are more British, so I'll phase out Swaen and Dingemans in favour of Fawcett. Same goes for hops.
9 out of 10 times I'd advise to go for the cheaper or more convenient option, not for a particular brand.
(my other malts:
Fawcett Pale Crystal Malt
Fawcett Medium Crystal Malt
Dingemans Wheat
Dingemans Munich
Dingemans CaraMunich Type 2
Dingemans Aromatic Amber)
Yes, I'm a bit of a hoarder.
I know what you mean about hoarding. I like to keep a couple of years' supply of everything. I've certainly built up a good supply until we find out what UK trading arrangements are going to be like in the future.