I bought a couple of bottles of Grolsch tonight, for the bottle more than anything, and I'm really enjoying them. The hop flavour is absolutely fantastic and it's a very clean brew. I fancy giving it a go.
The usual resources are coming up quite empty for finding an extract brew. There are a few hits from clone recipe books but apparently most are way off the mark. So, I'm thinking about just winging it a little.
Is doing it as a partial a good option? One of the recipes recommended the following....
.5 lbsGerman Light Crystal
.25 lbsGerman Light Munich
12 lbsDry Extra Light Extract
2 ozNorthern Brewer - 8.0 AA% pellets; boiled 60 min
1 ozCzech Saaz - 5.0 AA% pellets; boiled 10 min
.5 ozHallertau - 4.5 AA% pellets; boiled 30 min
2 tspIrish Moss - (omitted from calculations)
WYeast 2042 Danish Lagerâ¢
Everything other than the crystal and munich are fine for what I'm used to. Would I just steep the grain in a muslin bag for the boil process to get the rest of it together?
What are the thoughts on the recipe? Anyone drink Grolsch and have a recipe, or even a kit, to compare it to?
Thanks :)
The usual resources are coming up quite empty for finding an extract brew. There are a few hits from clone recipe books but apparently most are way off the mark. So, I'm thinking about just winging it a little.
Is doing it as a partial a good option? One of the recipes recommended the following....
.5 lbsGerman Light Crystal
.25 lbsGerman Light Munich
12 lbsDry Extra Light Extract
2 ozNorthern Brewer - 8.0 AA% pellets; boiled 60 min
1 ozCzech Saaz - 5.0 AA% pellets; boiled 10 min
.5 ozHallertau - 4.5 AA% pellets; boiled 30 min
2 tspIrish Moss - (omitted from calculations)
WYeast 2042 Danish Lagerâ¢
Everything other than the crystal and munich are fine for what I'm used to. Would I just steep the grain in a muslin bag for the boil process to get the rest of it together?
What are the thoughts on the recipe? Anyone drink Grolsch and have a recipe, or even a kit, to compare it to?
Thanks :)