It'll save you money in the long run! At least that's what I told the wife.......The Braumeister really is the dogs nuts. Please stop reminding me that it exists because you'll end up costing me money!
Hi Clint.
Out of close to 40 brews, I've sparged twice and not really noticed any difference. I've got the 2015 model so not got the inbuilt cooling jacket, from the reviews that I've read they don't work very well. I use the normal lift out cooling coil although I've just had a mad splurge and bought a Blichman Therminator, yet to be tested.
I fill it and then mash in. The pump inlet is outside the malt tube and outlet pumps wort up through the mash.
I love it (that must be cos it's Valentines day).
up no stuck mashes and I’ve never had a burning issue when mashing or boiling. And it actually has a mash rest in the mashing process where it stops the pump and allows the grain bed to settle. I won’t talk about the step mashing you can play with.....I like the way the element is set up, no scorching like most systems, also with the wort flowing upwards I would suspect there is less chance of compaction and stuck mashes.
New vid on YouTube Dave Heath fitting a Robobrew V3 false bottom into his Grain father....he thinks it's a great improvement regarding filtering.
Thanks squire...I is too fick to be doing them links n stuff...
That's what Gunge needs after a curryNew vid on YouTube Dave Heath fitting a Robobrew V3 false bottom into his Grain father....he thinks it's a great improvement regarding filtering.
It's 296mm and the mashing basket is 267mm.Can anyone post what size the inner diameter of the main GF body is please?
Great find Clint and to save members searching -
Very similar in the Grainfather. There is a bit of dead space where the break material falls and the filter takes care any left in the wort.In these type of systems how is the break material managed? In my kettle after chilling I let it all settle then slowly start drawing off the wort. The break compacts against the bazooka and I get very little to fv.