This has happened a few times.At 1st I thought it was to do with the way the grains were getting crushed but it`s happened twice,once from geterbrewed and once from HBC.I mash in as normal and all seems good until I start the mash and turn the pump on.The recirculated wort fills up and goes down the overflow,so I then have to reduce the flow through the pump.
When the mash is complete and I lift the basket up to drain and start sparging,the wort takes a long time to filter through,so I have to work the spent grain with the spoon,which then discolours the wort.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I`ve done about 10 brews with the Gf and 8 have been perfect and 2 have had this problem?
When the mash is complete and I lift the basket up to drain and start sparging,the wort takes a long time to filter through,so I have to work the spent grain with the spoon,which then discolours the wort.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I`ve done about 10 brews with the Gf and 8 have been perfect and 2 have had this problem?