Got myself a Woodys Nelsons Revenge!

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Feb 3, 2012
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Hi all,

Got myself a Nelsons Revenge on saturday and was going to brew it yesterday (Sunday).

I didn't as when in my local HB shop i was torn between the afore mentioned NR and a Muntons Gold Best Bitter!
I realised when i got it home that the NR only brews 36 pints yet the Muntons brews 40 pints, they are both 3kg 2 can kits and i was wondering why the NR only brews to 36 pints?

I have rang the HB shop and they said it would be fine to go and swap it for the Muntons as they were the same price.

Has anyone done the Muntons Gold Best Bitter and if so was it any good?
Also are Woodys any better than Muntons?

P.s. just found out that the Admirals reserve that i was originally going to get only brews 32 pints per 2 can 3kg kit i would have felt robbed if i had got that one. :nono:

trust me its spot on cracking pint when i made mine the only prob i had was the swimbo drinking it quicker than me :thumb:
What is the OG on the two kits, the 36 pint kit may end up with a higher ABV :whistle:

I wouldn't worry about being short changed a few pints, it should be about the taste and not the quantity.
graysalchemy said:
What is the OG on the two kits, the 36 pint kit may end up with a higher ABV :whistle:

I wouldn't worry about being short changed a few pints, it should be about the taste and not the quantity.

It's 95% about the taste but 5% about cost so im not too bothered about the 4 pint difference, i just wondered if the Muntons had better extract in it and thats why you get more pints out of the same quantities?

The NR does state an ABV of 5%, not sure about the Munton, maybe as it's a bitter it could be less and thats where the pints difference comes from?
Also the Wherry that i did was 2 pints short of the 40 pints that it promised so wasn't sure if the NR would also be 2 pints short?

I'll stick with the NR then and try the Muntons Gold Best Bitter next time ;)

Thanks for the info guys
It will be for final strength and taste. I've done an admirals reserve 32 pint kit and it was absolutely cracking!
Nelsons Revenge is a great pint it's one of my favourite kits :thumb:

Andyhull said:
Also the Wherry that i did was 2 pints short of the 40 pints that it promised so wasn't sure if the NR would also be 2 pints short?

Sounds like you either didn't add enough water when making the kit up (have you calibrated your fv?) or that maybe you left alot of beer behind when transfering to bottles/keg

It'll most likely be down to the strength of the final brew. Check out Brewferm's Belgium beer kits... some make only 9 litres but at 8%.
I didn't leave any beer behind on the Wherry, i even drank the last quarter of a pint that was left at the bottom of the FV.

I havn't calibrated the FV though, how would i do that?
I just used a measuring jug and added a pint at a time, then using a waterproof marker i marked it at 30, 36, and 40 pints.
I've got 2 Youngs fermenting buckets the markings on one of them are pretty much spot on but the other one is out by about 2 pints :shock:

Still not got it going yet so i'll callibrate the FV tonight before i start the brew.
This is the first night since Saturday with nothing going on.
I'll do it tonight when the OH is watching the soaps :roll:

I've cleared a cupboard in the kitchen as my brew cupboard and will be getting an aquarium heater to keep the brew at a constant temprature, but until then i'll be using 2 hot water bottles filled on a night and first thing in the morning to keep it warm.

Also Eggman, have you ever brewed a Wherry and if so which do you think is best?

Andyhull said:
Also Eggman, have you ever brewed a Wherry and if so which do you think is best?

Have done the Wherry 4 times it's a good kit but for me it's definately Nelsons Revenge
Best thing to do is get them both on the go and have a taste test :drink: :drink: :drunk:

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