I am sitting drinking my 6% ABV well hopped American style IPA and cannot taste it,,,, However, I have had just O/D'd on Strathdon Blue Cheese on crackers and some spicy chutney, wot I do. Strong, flavoursome stuff,,,,
And I thought, How can my palate cope. Do not expect or drink anything good if you consume strong flavours before trying to enjoy what you brew,,,, or, does any one have palate cleansing techniques that actually work?
We seem to focus so much on declaring our perceived taste sensations without incorporating the effects of what we have previously consumed before,,, or doing some palate cleansing exercises?
Apparently, you are what you eat, and sadly I'm a vegetarian, now even unable to taste my beer,
Do I need Help? or more chutney,,, or more beer :-?
And I thought, How can my palate cope. Do not expect or drink anything good if you consume strong flavours before trying to enjoy what you brew,,,, or, does any one have palate cleansing techniques that actually work?
We seem to focus so much on declaring our perceived taste sensations without incorporating the effects of what we have previously consumed before,,, or doing some palate cleansing exercises?
Apparently, you are what you eat, and sadly I'm a vegetarian, now even unable to taste my beer,
Do I need Help? or more chutney,,, or more beer :-?