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Active Member
May 4, 2013
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
Hello all my name is Ian, Been looking around the site for a few weeks and thought I would step out the shadows and say hi now.

Love the site and the forum have got many tips and inspiration form it,Looking forward to get to know some of you.

I have just put £600 aside to come off of kit brewing and in to the all grain brewing looking around for some of the kit now. Im a bit though at some of the prices but needs must for a nice shiny new brew station.

Thanks Ian
Welcome to the forum, with that money you should be able to acquire some nice shiny....

But good beer depends on the brewer not the equipment, and theres a lot of help advice and tips on here to help you make the most of your efforts
Thanks yeah looking at some nice shiny pots at the mo looking at 2x100l and a thermo 80l at the mo just finished building a fremfridge this week
that's the same set up that I have, very versatile.

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