Golden Delicious

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Jun 25, 2012
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Looking at my next brew for the beginning of next week and I'm looking at Graham Wheelers brew of the above name.
Its a light beer both in color and alcohol, although I have no problem with the strength of it.
However I've never used any copper finnings in my brewing before, but wondering if I should on this beer with it being so light in color. I have to say I'm happy with the clarity of my beers as such up to the moment.
I have some sheets of gelatine in my brew box available. When is the best time to add this to the brew ? ( my beers always get 10 days in a primary vessel and then several more days in a secondary fermenter )

Also what yeast would be suitable of this brew.Sa04/or 5 or Notty.

Thanks in advance
you can do, but i'd suggest concentrating on proper conditioning and serving temp before finings with a light beer. if you're happy with that, then by all means go for it.

you add gelatine after fermentation, dissolve in warm water :thumb:

not sure of the recipe, but us-05 for very clean IPA style beers, S-04 for mustier english pub style ones. i'm a firm believer in s-04 to be honest :lol:
Cheers Rob. I am a fan of Sa4 for most of my beers.
But I think this will get 05. I want a sharp dryish clean beer from this brew.
I'm happy with the clarity of my beers as they come and have never used any finings at all so far. I'll probably continue that way. I am able to leave brews a good length of time now to condition.... :party:
well thats changed things !
My son just come home from work and I mentioned making Golden was not met with any great enthusiasm !

" looks a bloody awful color dad " etc etc... :oops:

Anyway the Brewery has received its order.... another brew of Nutty Rauch Brown is required ! :clap:
so that's it you can't deny the

Talking of the brewery, I've just ordered a sign for it..... :party: :party:
will take approx 7 days so watch this space !