Thanks everyone for there input, i ended up just reading a few recipes, closing it all down and just going with my gut feeling. Iv written it down in case its good though. Then i can work off what i end up with, then its a truely home made recipe rather than a copied one.
I wish i had read the suggestion of ground ginger before i made it, its been fermenting for about a day now, do you think if i added the ground ginger now it would be too late.
1KG of ginger does sound alot.....
I used 200g of fresh root ginger for 2 litres of water, but doubled both for this batch.
I heated it all up in a pan, as when i have made it before the flavours haven't come out very well.
I added half the zest from a lemon to each 200ml, then squeezed the lemon into each.
I then slowly added 200g of sugar to each 2litres and stirred to dissolve.
and finally added to teaspoons of cream of tartar to each.
Iv bottled it up and added the yeast which i sneakily stole from work, and its sat in front of me now, got a great colour and a great smell, im going to leave it for a few days then see what percentage its come out as!