Ginger Beer for the kids

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Active Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Just finished of batch 2 of FGB and it is rather good. Got the kids involved when siphoning and they agree, and wanted a glass each. Her indoors has some issues with me feeding the kids bottles of stuff at 8.5% ABV, so I promised them we could make a kids version over the weekend. All the recipes I find on Google mention yeast. I assume that will equate to alcohol. I always thought the Famous Five version of Ginger Beer at the picnic was non alcoholic. Is Google missing something or were they just 4 pissed up kids with complete disregard for elf n safety?
you could try a ginger beer plant ( google it as theres loads of recipes)

300mls of water in a jam jar
a teaspoon of yeast (bakers)
a teaspoon of ginger powder
teaspoon of sugar.

add a teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of ginger powder daily for a week or two and then strain off the liquid and squeeze the yeast through a muslin bag or stocking.

with the liquid just add it to a gallon of sugared water ( Ive tried it with a kilo and half a kilo and im still looking for the Goldilocks amount). I melted the sugar ina measuring jug and made it upto a gallon with cold water.

bottle the brew in bottles suitable for carbonated drinks, reused pop bottles or beer bottles with new crown tops.

After a couple or days ( at least a week is best) youll have fizzy ginger beer. It gets lively so maybe dont use swingtops.

As the bakers yeast will only brew upto about 7% max you'll have at best 300mls of 7% liquid mixed in 4200mls of water, which would equate to about 0.5% abv.

Good luck

ive just nearly taken someones eye out with the top of a bottle.

the pop bottle was a full turn from closed to open and it shot off with the lightest of touches. The cap hit the ceiling now looks like a spent 22 pellet.

be careful out there!
Only time I've ever managed to explode plastic bottles was with a ginger beer plant. Went bang right next to a friend who was soaked and petrified.....
Ive got a new plant on the go and have let the sugar ferment out so no more bubbles.

Im gonna sweeten with splenda to taste and then add a tsp (5grams) of sugar per litre to carbonate the brew. So hopefully i wont get excess carbonation resulting in loss of brew.

I joined this forum to find info like this.
I use swing top bottles and do have trouble with lose of about quarter of the bottle.
Instead of bottling it straight away has anyone tried using a fermentation bin for the two weeks and then bottling it ?
ATB, Nelly
Sure, we put ours in a big ol' caldron, soup pot thing.
Only needs about 3 days for primary though, the yeast isnt too hard pressed.
Plus, you do want the fizz in the bottle :cool: