Getting My Brew Clear

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Active Member
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
St Helens
I'm after a little advice on getting my brew as clear as possible. My father in-law said they used to use an egg white many, many years ago. I'm interested in knowing what advances have been made in this area and how to do it.

Ferment in primary for 7-10 days.
Transfer off the trub to a secondary for another 7-10 days.

Can you cool the beer to 3 or 4 degrees C?
This will help drop out even more yeast.
Add gelatine at this stage for more polish.

A few people are using Magicol or Polyclar (instead of gelatine) while chilling to get rid of haze forming proteins.
I'm just experimenting with these at the moment so can't comment definatively.

Final racking to keg with fresh isinglass.

A lot of people don't use anything at all and rely on patience.

Hope that is of help to you.
I used to use finings that came in a simple sachet (isinglass I believe) but in the last dozen or so brews I've just not bothered, racking off to a second fv and being very careful when bottling, along with a bit of patience and a cooler location to put the bottles has left me with consistently clear brews with only a small amount of well compacted sediment at the bottom of the bottle...
markp said:
.Transfer off the trub to a secondary for another 7-10 days.

A lot of people don't use anything at all and rely on patience.

Hope that is of help to you.

Leave it longer, 3-4 weeks in the secondary before priming & bottling/kegging, if you have the patience. :wha:
I've tried gelatine, that brew never seemed to fully clear. Still tasted ok though and it's all gone now.

I've tried Beer-Brite (isinglass I believe) and that brew cleared but left floaty bits in suspension. Racking with a bit of old stocking tied around the sediment cup seemed to work.

Now I only use time, I've never had a brew (apart from a Wherry) which wasn't properly clear after a month, usually sooner.
I use 2oz gelatine dissolved in a little of the beer. Warm beer in sterilised pan add gelatine dissolve and cool return to your fv and stir in slowly. I usually do this 3 days before bottling :cheers: