Get well soon Benmcben

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Active Member
Sep 24, 2008
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My brewing partner Ben is currently hospitalised in Tenerife after an accident caused him to put his back out. He was due to fly home last weekend after a family holiday but has been stuck there ever since waiting for an air ambulance. Meanwhile the SWMBO and kids are enjoying a few more days on the beach :whistle:
I spoke to him yesterday and he's doing OK, but looks like he'll be out of action for a few weeks once he gets back.
So looks like my next couple of brews will be solo...
Christ, he's hospitalised from putting his back out?!?!?

I did my back in, it was utter agony but all they did was told me to lie on the living room floor with the discovery channel and a tub of diazepam for company. signed off for three weeks.
steve_flack said:
I did my back in, it was utter agony but all they did was told me to lie on the living room floor with the discovery channel and a tub of diazepam for company.

Wouldn't you have been better off with painkillers? OTOH, you probably wouldn't care about the pain on that stuff. :D
diazepam and beer work wonders for my back spasms (i've got a slipped disc), they also work wonders at making me feel stoned and sometimes hallucinate when mixed in that order :shock:

dont try that at home kids!
BrewStew said:
diazepam and beer work wonders for my back spasms (i've got a slipped disc), they also work wonders at making me feel stoned and sometimes hallucinate when mixed in that order :shock:

dont try that at home kids!

No. Try it in the pub under supervision ;)

Actually, in my local, you'd end up with the diazepam getting shared out. :roll:
ben get well soon mate.
ouch back pain it is the worst
steve_flack said:
Christ, he's hospitalised from putting his back out?!?!?

I did my back in, it was utter agony but all they did was told me to lie on the living room floor with the discovery channel and a tub of diazepam for company. signed off for three weeks.
Yup, he's got to have an operation upon returning to the UK to sort out disc/vertebrae/sciatic nerve (don't have exact details). Doesn't sound like much fun...
As a fellow bad back sufferer he has my sympathies I hope it's not too long before he's up and brewing
Hope you have a Speedy Recovery Ben :thumb:
Best wishes from NZ Ben.
That'll teach you not to go to Tenerife. :lol:
Get well soon mate :thumb:

steve_flack said:
told me to lie on the living room floor with the discovery channel and a tub of diazepam for company.

Sounds like an interesting way to spend a weekend Steve.

On the subject of malfunctioning bodies, I seem to have developed tennis elbow since the weekend, it's bloody painful but I'm currently numbing the pain with a party pack of diclofenac (sp?) and a few beers. I doubt there's any injury less dignified than tennis elbow, I mean tennis come on :rofl:
Hi Guys

Back in good old blighty since Thursday now. Just managed to rig up my laptop to the big TV in the lounge so I can use it lying down.

The story goes like this: I was wandering down the marina one evening when a beautiful woman came screaming out of a shop - she was pointing at two guys running off. Being the decent sort of chap I am a gave chase, and being the incredible athlete I also am, soon caught up with them. I managed to rugby tackle the first guy down, assuming the other guy would keep on running, but he didint! Woops! I managed to hold onto the womans bag, but as they jumped up and down on various parts of my body I got pretty badly hurt. Luckily they ran off pretty quick and left me holding the ladies bag on the floor. The lady rushed over to me and was so greatful she insisted on giving me a very nice BJ (I think she let me play with her jubblies too)

At that point I woke up, got out of bed and went to put my pants on, got my big toe stuck in the elastic of the waistband, lost my balance, and whilst trying to hop on one leg at some strange angle to regain aforsaid balance something made a loud crunching pop noise along with the most orrid pain, I then fell over, and the corner of the bed went into my back as well causing further unplesant cruncing noises and further pain.

I lay there for some time as wife was out on her morning walk already, unable to move, and with the national grid pummping 20,000 volts down my left leg.

I managed to herniate two discs! I give up on pants!

May need operation - only time will tell, but they were/are just keeping me flat, diazepam and enough codeine to make me happy.
Glad you're ok & back home - the first story made me laugh :lol: :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Glad you still have your sense of humour!

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