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Could get even worse if they up the VAT to 25% as well or so I heard on the ol radio.
I am so pleased that i took up home brewing a month ago :) it seems that aswell as finding this great forum full of great people, i am also going to save a fair bit of money when this minimum pricing comes into effect.

Think of Stella for example "Reassuringly Expensive" - you can bet your bottom dollar that when supermarket cheapo's have to increase their prices then the premium expensive beers will follow suit proportionately.

There will be a huge shift in the price of all products - not just the cheap ones.
mattrickl06 said:
I am so pleased that i took up home brewing a month ago :) it seems that aswell as finding this great forum full of great people, i am also going to save a fair bit of money when this minimum pricing comes into effect.

+1 on that. I started a few weeks ago to. Im expecting it to taste like piss on the first few tries but it will soon get better and i can experiment with different flavours.
tbert33 said:
mattrickl06 said:
I am so pleased that i took up home brewing a month ago :) it seems that aswell as finding this great forum full of great people, i am also going to save a fair bit of money when this minimum pricing comes into effect.

+1 on that. I started a few weeks ago to. Im expecting it to taste like piss on the first few tries but it will soon get better and i can experiment with different flavours.

The surprising thing is - it doesnt taste anything like piss.

Had my dad round tonight for his first stout taster (its only 2 weeks old and not conditioned yet) he is a real ale freak yet i had to literally kick him out before he drank me dry :-)

Prepare to be surprised (in a good way) even the kits nowadays are superb quality
Don't be fooled. This is not about the good government looking after our welfare. Or even trying to steer the wayward back into the path of enlightenment. It's about demonising an activity so it is acceptable to tax the hell out of it. They did it with smoking, now alcohol, and fast on it's heals obesity. Notice how they have very cleverly got the public saying 'lets tax fast food'. That was the case with smoking. The smoking ban was touted as being good for pubs. All the non smokers would flock into the now clean sweet smelling pubs. Did they? But the public were behind the tax regime. They did it with 4x4's. Suddenly they were the demon on the roads. They became Chelsea Tractors. Lets be green they said. As soon as we all thought that was a good idea, they upped the road tax. Oh what a wonderful goverment we have we said. That'll teach the Sloan Rangers a lesson. Did they care. No. Now it's alcohols turn. I have a great idea. Lets ban alcohol in pubs. Then all the water drinkers will come it. But seriously. It's all about tax and making us feel it's justified and a good thing. The last time I looked, the condems principals were about reducing the nanny state, so where does this fit in with that? What's next I wonder? Food for certain. Or at least certain foods. Pizza, ready meals, snacks etc. But the one thing you can be certain about is that there is an army of treasury workers thinking about what to demonise next.
bobsbeer said:
Don't be fooled. This is not about the good government looking after our welfare. Or even trying to steer the wayward back into the path of enlightenment. It's about demonising an activity so it is acceptable to tax the hell out of it. They did it with smoking, now alcohol, and fast on it's heals obesity. Notice how they have very cleverly got the public saying 'lets tax fast food'. That was the case with smoking. The smoking ban was touted as being good for pubs. All the non smokers would flock into the now clean sweet smelling pubs. Did they? But the public were behind the tax regime. They did it with 4x4's. Suddenly they were the demon on the roads. They became Chelsea Tractors. Lets be green they said. As soon as we all thought that was a good idea, they upped the road tax. Oh what a wonderful goverment we have we said. That'll teach the Sloan Rangers a lesson. Did they care. No. Now it's alcohols turn. I have a great idea. Lets ban alcohol in pubs. Then all the water drinkers will come it. But seriously. It's all about tax and making us feel it's justified and a good thing. The last time I looked, the condems principals were about reducing the nanny state, so where does this fit in with that? What's next I wonder? Food for certain. Or at least certain foods. Pizza, ready meals, snacks etc. But the one thing you can be certain about is that there is an army of treasury workers thinking about what to demonise next.

Every time this subject comes up I find myself reciting something very much like the above. Thankfully you've saved me the bother.

What I still can't understand is why EVERYONE can't see this. Is the UK general public really this dim? Every day I see claims of genius through social networking. I see people who were never particularly savvy in school, or when I've been in their company, posting up solved riddles and maths equations as if they have had sudden epiphanies. You can no longer show anyone anything or tell anyone anything as they already know it.

Fortunately I remember the days of common sense and mental problem solving, rather than solving a problem by theorising the correct search parameters in a google search engine.

We're fu**ed. Time to tax the internet ;)
I'm touching wood as I write this :whistle:

I decided to work out how many units is in a beer kit. Lets say that the kit makes 23L of 5% brew, that works out to be 115 units. At 45p per unit that's going to mean £51.75 per beer kit :D
This isn't about tax its about curtailing persona freedom due to the cost that imposes on the rest of us. The government doesn't own Tesco or Sainsburys or Asda etc they will still be collecting the same amount of excise duty so its not about tax.

Taxing food, well with improvements in medicine we have the facility to live longer and cure more ills but the cost of treating people is going up as we aren't dying off in the same way. With the rising amount of obesity we are setting ourselves up for a funding crisis when too many people are too fat to work and need benefits and medical treatment to stay alive. There is no insurance aspect to National Insurance in that the money collected is spent on today's medical and pension costs rather than invested for the future so our kids will have to foot the bill in years to come. With the birth rate of 1.8 per family that is a great concern as 2 people are producing less than 2 future tax payers. Although it will never be admitted, that is why immigration has been allowed to increase rapidly as despite what the Daily Mail would like you to believe the majority of economic migrants do come here to work. [After all how can they all be on the dole and nicking our jobs at the same time!]

It has all gone horribly wrong and unless we are going to say to people that we aren't going to support people financially or medically if their life style has caused them to be in a situation which requires treatment and benefits we need to try and reduce the number of people who will require assistance in the future.

The problem is that without families to support more 18-25 year olds have a good disposable income which they can literally piss up against a wall so I don't think minimum pricing will help stop them binge drinking I do think that its right we should be considered all options before before its common place for have 30 year olds to be on benefits awaiting liver transplants etc
Nice article - succinct and coherent.

They were saying on the radio the other day that the government were looking into the possibility of charging people healthcare costs when their ailments / condition / fatness is caused by their lifestyle choices - which i think is a great idea in theory - problem is, in this country it could never work.

Can see the headlines now.

"80 stone woman sues UK Government over Human Rights"

80 stone Hilda McHoggswash today started legal proceedings against the UK Government following their attempt to charge Miss Hoggswash for her 24hr homecare costs.

Hilda needs 24hr medical attention to help her go to the toilet, bathe, get dressed, flop out of bed, and switch Jeremy Kyle on throughout the day.

"Its a blatant breach of my human rights" claimed Hilda as she starts on another taxpayer's Big Mac meal as her usual breakfast meal.

"This is a serious medical condition and stems back to when a dog pinched a sweet out of a hand when i was 3 years old - since that day the only way i can forget about the horrific ordeal is to eat McDonalds food all day / every day"

Miss Hoggswash vehemently denies she is living off the state "I used to work for the local kebab shop making pizza's when i was 16 but was sacked after 2 weeks for getting my arm stuck in the oven

"It is my god given human right to be able to freely choose how many dozen big macs i eat during the day, she shouts at the furious taxpayers as the crane lowers her from her private mini-bus