German Lagers - bottle conditioning?

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Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Kemnay - Aberdeenshire
I cam across a slight curio at the car boot sale yesterday. I picked up 3 bottles of German Lager, partly for the bottles and partly because they were full and intact.


2 Fischers and 1 Altenmunster. By the time I carried them round the rest of the car booter in my back pack then drove home all 3 bottles had gone cloudy and had a slight froth on top.

They are a dated during 1992 so are around 21 years and the seals are still intact. Does anybody know if these breweries used to bottle condition lager 20 odd years ago?

I'm not even sure as I don't brew Lager if that is a sensible question, I have no way of lagering the brew at low temperatures and I'm still getting to grips with brewing British Ales.

They are all settling today altho there is still a slight froth on top of each, I plan to sample once they are clear. Is anybody interested in trying to culture one of them? Drop me a PM if interested.

Any other thoughts or input greatfully received.

Not sure I'd like to put 20 year old lager anywhere near my digestive system.
Malt whisky or Madeira maybe.....