I've just bottled my go at this kit. Noticing how many people here bottled/kegged at 1010 or above when the kit instructions reckon on 1005 - maybe that's because we all use spraymalt instead of sugar?
I had to transfer mine from a 5g bin to demijohns partway through, so this afternoon I had the leftover 1/2 pints from 4 demis, and I have to say it's pretty tasty already, just wants carbing up a littlle bit.
Why did I have to transfer?
Mould. About a week in I noticed a few spots of mould on the surface (pretty sure it was anyway). Figuring I had little to lose, and that the mould would be growing from the top so what was below could well be OK, I ladled off everything that looked remotely dodgy then siphoned from the bottom. Lost just under a gallon but the mould didn't return - and the taste off the siphon was OK. Also figured if mould was growing the yeast might have given up (it was at 1015 at the time) so bunged some Safale S04 in.
Also, I put a phial of ClarityFerm in at the start - my wife's coeliac and we're hoping this enzyme will chop up the gluten molecule so she can drink real beer again. We'll know within 24 hours of her trying the stuff...