So I lost a full bottle of CO2 left turned on and connected to 3 cornies.
I regularly check for leaks by spraying with Starsan to all John Guest fittings, connections, cornie seals, regulator connections etc and have never seen so much as a bubble, and yet leak it did.
So with a new full bottle I am too paranoid to leave it tuned on and am wondering if I have a leak by the issue in the attached picture.
The two regulated valves stay constant, maybe drop a little on a newly kegged beer as I would expect, it is the bottle pressure valve that drops down to zero everytimes.
Occasionally within a short time, occasionally a few hours but drop it does.
My question is, what part of the system might the leak be if only the main cylinder gauge is dropping?
I regularly check for leaks by spraying with Starsan to all John Guest fittings, connections, cornie seals, regulator connections etc and have never seen so much as a bubble, and yet leak it did.
So with a new full bottle I am too paranoid to leave it tuned on and am wondering if I have a leak by the issue in the attached picture.
The two regulated valves stay constant, maybe drop a little on a newly kegged beer as I would expect, it is the bottle pressure valve that drops down to zero everytimes.
Occasionally within a short time, occasionally a few hours but drop it does.
My question is, what part of the system might the leak be if only the main cylinder gauge is dropping?