Chairman of the Bored
I've just started culturing up this strain from a bottle of bottles conditioned Gales HSB. Anyone else had a go at this strain? I think Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale was originally supposed to be the Gales strain too
I've got a clone of Gales Festival Mild in the fv at the moment, using the Wyeast 1332 you mention. I thought about culturing it up, as according to the Fullers website they kept the Gales yeast after they bought out and closed the original brewery and use it for the Gales branded beers, but I didn't realise that the HSB was bottle conditioned.
It's a fairly new one on me too. I cant remember where I found out HSB was bottle conditioned.
Says so on the bottle doesn't it? Nice drop too, quite like the gales stuff
Yes, but I never really look on bottles to see if the beer is bottle conditioned. I probably picked it up from another forum somewhere or other. And yes it's a nece brew. I might have go at one of the gales recipes from BYOBRA using the yeast
The krausen for this yeast is like a Conservative Prime Minister, it just doesnt want to go. It's quite thick and is just sitting there on the top of the beer. I've tried banging the side of the FV but it just comes back again if any of it drops
Yup, that is exactly what happened to me with Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale. Thick, dense krausen sitting on clear-looking wort. Stir it in, and the next day there it is again, sitting like the cream solidifying at the top of a can of coconut milk. It did thin out eventually, but took 19 days in the fv before it dropped. Once it did though, it was the most flocculant yeast I've ever seen. Even more than WLP002. I could've picked up the fv and poured the beer into the bottling bucket without disturbing the yeast cake!
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