From GW Black Sheep Riggwelter

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2009
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Brewed Black Sheep Riggwelter today started at about 13:30 finished including clean up 20:00 not to bad.
Had a few hickups with the new brewery mashtun does not reach over the boiler I do have an idea for this but im going to see how it panns out befor I show and tell :twisted: .
I fell short on the water for the sparge not much of a problem though as the new gas burner heated 15 litres up to 80 c in 10 min I did have the burner on quite high and the bottom of the boiler was glowing red :shock: also melted the front of the temp gauge I had installed in the boiler im going to have to get a much better gauge one that can take a little heat :? good ring that for £20 .....

Had a boil over as well made a mess of the shiney boiler but it cleaned right off after id finished.... New chiller worked really well 20 min from boiling to 26c.

Ended up with a gravity of 1050 of some remarkably clear wort also my first time with worflic. Ended up with 23 litres of wort at the end would have liked 25 but I shall have to get used to the new setup first a few more dry runs so to speak. I am so used to my plaky brewery the change over to gas had me all stumped...

Pics not many sorry was to intrested trying to get the brew right as it was my first using gas and new brewery.....

Grain bill

Boil over :shock:


Nice clear wort after the cool down


Running off and areating.




Hydromiter reading. 1050

Ahhh, some great pics there :thumb:

Fair play to you for taking piccies on a new kit brewday, thanks :) that wort looks great, lots of trub and floccing well in the trial jar :)

Hope it's a good one :thumb:
That be looking like a nice bit of kit . . . and the boil over . . . smells great doesn't it :lol: Looking good though
that's quality! :cool:

it's always hard juggling a camera when you're getting to know new kit... so a big :clap: :clap: :clap: to you!
The only bit of old kit in my setup at the moment is the mashtun.

Made a new wort cooler from 8mm copper pipe
new boiler keg
new HLT keg ( from aleman )
well everything except the tun

It was an intresting day started with a rubbish ref for my lads u16 cup rugby match. half one start for the brew having to weigh out the grains and hops as the water was heating up.
No guage of how much is in the boiler yet needs a sight tube or something to let me know how much liquid is in it. Thing is stamped saying 55 litres but im not so sure it seems less by 10 litres or so. Im going to fill it up and pump the water up to the HLT as that has markings on it see how it looks.

As for the sparge run off im thinking of doing what one of the brewers does on the franken brew vid, use a smaller 2 or 3 litre tub for the mash to run into through a seive and then pump it to the boiler out of the small tub save on a stuck sparge / mash, Means I will have another thing to clean on brew day but the current pump I have may well do as the actual pumping bit comes off very easily from the main body.
Hi Damfoose, fine set up you've got there, much the same as i'm heading towards.
Got meself a keg, which i'm going to attack, and will be like yours, I was wondering, what did you use to drill the hole for the tap. I've got a 20mm hole saw, will that do the job, or do I need something special?
That's the burner i'll be getting too (i'm not copying, honest) ;)
How long does it take to get to the boil, and have you any idea how long a 15kg propane bottle would last?

Sshhh, don't tell anyone..... I'm going to try BITB :whistle:

Cheers mate :thumb:
Jensen said:
Hi Damfoose, fine set up you've got there, much the same as i'm heading towards.
Got meself a keg, which i'm going to attack, and will be like yours, I was wondering, what did you use to drill the hole for the tap. I've got a 20mm hole saw, will that do the job, or do I need something special?
That's the burner i'll be getting too (i'm not copying, honest) ;)
How long does it take to get to the boil, and have you any idea how long a 15kg propane bottle would last?

Sshhh, don't tell anyone..... I'm going to try BITB :whistle:

Cheers mate :thumb:

Along with the burner these following bits of kit will be handy.

I opted for This Regulator

Also got 5 meters of This gas hose.

This regulator nozzel Here

I seem to have used about 4 - 5 kg of gas for the water heating and boil I was a little wastefull as I turned the gas up quite a bit to heat the water up fast also had to heat 15 litres up half way through the sparge that took 10 min to go from about 5c up to 85c but for the boil itself I turned the reg on the cylinder right down and that kept a really nice rolling boil just be carefull when your heating the wart up for the boil to turn the gas down as it hits the boil otherwise you will get a really nice boilover, Oh dont touch the keg for a bit as I managed to have the bottom of mine glowing a really nice red colour when heating the water up.
Length of time to get through 15kg of gas I recon 4 - 5 brews now im used to the burner a little more
Lenght of time to get to the boil ohhh about 10 min or so.
As for the hole for the tap I have a Q.Max Sheet Metal Punch Hole Punch - 20mm just drill an 8mm hole and use the punch they are fantastic bits of kit. Your 20mm hole saw should do as long as it is rated for steel.

BTW this brewing lark is one of the best hobbies I have ever taken up
What sort of burner are you guy's using? any chance of a close up picture? I'm heading in the same direction I think :thumb:
Russ H-R said:
What sort of burner are you guy's using? any chance of a close up picture? I'm heading in the same direction I think :thumb:

Pic of burner from HERE and a standard brown bottle 500ml for comparison the burners are quite big.

I ordered the same one as Rabmaxwell, but got this one: Didn't complain as its more expensive and was doing my first AG 3 days after!

I think all three have the same actual 'burner' just different supports. Noticed its getting better as the weather is heating up, as the first AG it was hard to get to a rolling boil (It was -1 outside, though). It now manages a strong boil, no problems. :thumb:
I boil in my brew shed with the door open to get rid off the steam. I think it helps if these burners are shielded from the wind. :D
After a few mods to the brew stand I have moved back into the garage as it keeps the wind of the burner.

Also just checked the gravity of this and its down to 1014 at the moment and still fermenting after 8 days be it slowley as it's going along at an average temp of 20c which is no bad thing. Tastes great btw had the sample after checking the gravity. Has a nice golden brown colour to it but as yet due to it still fermenting it is still cloudy.