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Jan 2, 2013
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got to love this beer brewing lark, my latest honey ale has gone from something looking like a giant cookie, to a wierd alien landscape... and now... floaters!

Will these drop out or shall I move to a cool place to get them to drop?
I'm wondering if the honey added in late had anything to do with it. The krausen was interesting too...
yep, boiled up in a litre of water and then added

it all smells fine in there, just looks wierd, it only started falling a couple of days back, but those bit float up and down a bit :D

I'm waiting for sommat to crawl out of the primordial soup and take flight! :rofl:
hahaha it's good to be different :)

If it helps any, the cookie like head gradually broke down as foam broke through, and then a couple of days ago it started to drop, so those bits are parts of the head that was sat on top. But I'm wondering if I can aid it dropping by reducing the temps from the 18-21C room it is in to a cooler place. Either that or leave it be and see what happens.

If anyone has a suggestion... bring it on :lol:
OK, going to syphon into a sterilised secondary and see what happens... naturally I don't want to add oxygen in, but is there anyway I might "filter" it between the two?

If necessary I could bottle it straight away if that would help?
Don't try to filter. Just do your best to avoid the lumpy bits. It's only yeast crud so a little getting racked over isn't a problem. :thumb:
hehehe yeah, I just googled infected beer for images, and all the ones that look like mine are said to be "yeast", so I am not gonna sling it down the drain.

Just sterilising a spare FV to syphon it into, and then I might sterilise bottles and just go for it.. so much for an early night!

Hey ho, the wonderful world of beer!
I can imagine the frogs...

"rebbit .........*hic* .................... rebbit............... *hic*.."
well into second FV, although alot of the yeasties were intent on following the beer, so it's sealed and cooling fast in the back garden to see if that helps.

in the meantime I have sterilised a mix of bottles and mini kegs, so I should get bottling shortly. It smells fine and dandy, and it's a great colour, so hopefully all will work out for the best. :pray:

If I find a frog I'll be hopping mad! ... ok, I'll get me coat! :tongue: :D
if i was you i would just leave it in fv for 3 days nice and cool/cold then bottle , it will help the yeast drop out better .

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