Flat as a witches t~t

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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I have just brewed an all grain Black Sheep Bitter!!! Well I say just brewed, its been in the primed bottles for about 6 days! I opened a bottle in the belief that it didnt seem to be carbonating. On opening to my horror it did nothing, flop!! I know I know! You are shouting give it time son! But having had my last batch fail in the same way I am extremely worried. I primed with a good teaspoon of sugar and bottles at 1005! Any halp would be much appreciated. :thumb: :cheers:
was it stored in a warm place for 4 days ? :cheers:
paul keg9 :hmm:
chassyp said:
I have just brewed an all grain Black Sheep Bitter!!! Well I say just brewed, its been in the primed bottles for about 6 days! I opened a bottle in the belief that it didnt seem to be carbonating. On opening to my horror it did nothing, flop!! I know I know! You are shouting give it time son! But having had my last batch fail in the same way I am extremely worried. I primed with a good teaspoon of sugar and bottles at 1005! Any halp would be much appreciated. :thumb: :cheers:
Sorrry buddy ........... you're gonna have to wait :!:

Keep it in the warm for a week, then wait for a week or two longer :roll:

no real shortcut just be patient :whistle:

edited bit ........ posted it the same time as Mark :lol:
Give it time. I leave mine for a week at 18-20 deg then. Store at room temp for a further 2-3 weeks. I have only had one with problems a stout which is very hit and miss some bottles perfect others flat. I have concluded this was due to poor mixing of priming sugar prior to bottling. By the way how much sugar did you use to prime and did you add it in bulk to the beer prior to bottling and did you mix it well? I use 7g per litre of beer.
Thanks everyone. Primed with a good teaspoon and swirled it a bit. Room temperature for about 5/6 days. I guess the temperature drops at night so it may be in reality 2/3 days in total. I appreciate what you say so yep I`m just gonna leave it. I have loads down the cellar to go at anyway. Just cooking a really dark one started at 1062 hoping to get it down to 1005 with a heat belt on. Patience is what im short of, beer not!! :cheers: :thumb:
He said THIS FINISHED AT 1005 could it be there was no viable yeast left to do the job................. That seem realy low for an Ale to finish............
Even a visbily clear beer at 1.005 will have more than enough yeast to carbonate . . .given plenty of time. . . . Patience young paduan :nono:

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