Flat as a pancake ......... Help Please

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Dec 27, 2012
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Evening All.

My first batch for many years is a Festival TT Landlords. It looks right, it smells right, it even tastes about right and its clearing well if a bit slowly BUT its Flat!

I bulk primed according to the instructions, bottled it mainly into Coopers 500 ml plastic bottles, put it in a warm room for 10-12 days then out to the garage to condition. There is a little pressure and a yeast deposit on the bottom of the bottles but its more or less flat :( May be I didn't get the screw on tops tight enough (I removed the tamper evident band to make them easier to screw down) I've not used them before so I just did them up tight by hand..

So please how do I rescue my batch?

Many Thanks. Aamcle
How much did you bulk prime with? Did you bulk prime for a keg or for bottling?
Sounds to me like not enough sugar or not enough time elapsed. Remote possibility of caps not tight enough, but really highly unlikely the case for all of them.
Afterthought...........maybe too much residual campden in the bottles?
+1 for the above.

The good thing with PET bottles is you you can test the carbonation with how firm the bottles are :thumb:
No Camden tablets, I sterilised with StarSan I'll set up my brew fridge to say 23°C and pop them in there for another week.

I used all the sugar supplied with the kit, the bottling amount I think.

I've moved them and managed to get the caps a bit tighter so now it's wait and see.

ATB. Aamcle
I don't know I didn't weigh it just opened the packet dissolved the contents added the syrup to the bottling bucket syphoned in the beer gave it a stir and bottled it.

I'd brewed short although not intentional so I had about 20 litres not 23. I've checked the instructions (good thing I kept them) and the sugar was correct for bottling 23 litres.

ATB. Aamcle
I can't find anything on it. Is it actually called Festival TT Landlords? I was going to look up what came with it to see what has been added at the bottling stage. Just in case you're pissing into the wind with waiting around and would be better to re-prime :)
A quick google has suggested the sachet is the correct amount for kegging so IMO you will need to re-prime. HTH :)

If your instructions said it was good for priming 23L in order to bottle then there is possibly a change in the way the kits are made. FWIW the sachet would need to contain around 150g of sugar so you would be able to judge based on that. If it was a sachet for kegging it would only be around 80g.
It's. actually Festival Landlords Finest it's a copy of the Timmy Tailors Landlords bitter it does taste like it as far as I can tell.

Atb. Aamcle

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