Fixed my broken beer but do I need to condition it again

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I had 3 batches that just stopped during the cold weather, they had all gone through the initial fermentation as I had a heat belt around the fermenter. All of them stopped when I bottled them though as is was just too cold for secondary fermentaion.

I moved all of these to a warm place recently and they've all fizzed up nicely.

My question is that 1 of these batches had been sat in the bottles for nearly 3 months but now I've got the secondary fermentation done do I need to leave it for another 3 months as theres still a slightly funny taste in it?

My gut instinct is that it is a different issue and not something to do with conditioning. :hmm:

Were they kits brews? What kind of flavour are you tasting that is not right?
yeah they were kits, a muntons premium bitter, a cordon brew lager amd a coopers canadian.

They still taste a little sweet but they're all very fizzy now so the secondary ferment must have happened. I was thinking that the conditioning took away the taste of the yeast or the biproducts of the yeast and so as the secondary ferment has only just happed these biproducts would have only just been created hence they would need to be left again.

I hope its not that its all tainted because of the initial wait.

Atleast its drinkable and seems rather strong too so its not a complete waste
Its possible that it could taste "green". Some yeasts produce a lot of acetaldehyde which is a form of ethanol and is often tasted in young beer. With enough time and plenty cold conditioning it will convert fully to ethanol by the yeast.

If it is conditioned fully then my gut feeling is to get it back out for some cold conditioning and then try one next week and see if the off flavour is beginning to dissapear.