First time brewer help/schoolboy error

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Jul 4, 2010
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Dunfermline, Fife
made my first coopers draught kit yesterday and everything was in the FV for 5pm, been keeping an eye on it for a while and it hasnt bubbled once, there isnt any foam or residue on top either.
its sitting about 22 degrees.
my schoolboy error was that I done a hydrometer test prior to adding yeast, on the instructions it says 'take sg reading then add yeast, and check determining alcohol content,' so I took another hydrometer reading, poured that down the sink then put the lid on.
I stirred in the yeast and I'm thinkin when I've took the 2nd reading some yeast might have come out the tap and thats why its not fermenting, I'm paranoid cos its my first time doing this. I've watched a few vids and realise I shouldnt have done that 2nd reading, what would you recommend? I've not got any yeast nutrient or anything but I've got a yeast sachet from my other coopers kit I bought
nightmare man :x
Don't think the yeast will have come out the tap as (and I may be wrong but) its top fermenting. Give it another day. Then if still nothing give it a dam good stir with a sterile stirer. If that dont work after another day pitch the other yeast sachet you may have a dud. Only my opinion and im by no means an expert :thumb: . Hope it helps.

What was the OG reading out of interest.
I used the coopers brew enhancer 1 instead of sugar, added about 2 litres of boiling water, then top upped to 23 litres with cold tap water(treated with 1/2 campden tablet) then added the yeast, I'm sure I wrote down it was 1056 but that seems really high compared to other videos on youtube where it should be about 1042. as I say that was my 1st time ever doing this so in all likelyhood I've read the hydrometer wrong.
You will have flushed away a few yeasties, but there's often lack of understanding of scale and numbers. These things are microscopic, and they make rabbits look celibate. Initially you might throw in a few million, but they soon multiply into billions.

Even so, if you aren't seeing a head of foam after 16 hours, you could have had a duff sachet. You have no way of knowing how long that kit has been on the shelf or how it was stored before you bought it.

As Snail says, give it a damned good thrashing to get as much air into the wort as you can, and then put the lid on and leave it alone to see if it gets cracking.
Don't panic Mr abeyptfc!
I've often had brews go 48hrs before start of ferment.
With regard to packet yeast, I successfully used one that had sat on my shelf for 16 years.
just went and gave it a good stir, it smells really nice and had a bit of froth at the top, just a waiting game now....

thanks for your help folks
hi troops, gave the brew a gd stir as I said in my last post, it still doesnt seem to be bubbling the airlock, i've check the seal and it seems sound, what has changed though is there is a god bit of frothing, maybe about an inch thick that wasnt there prior to stirring.
what do you suggest? fire in the rest of the yeast or leave it another day or what?
If you've got an inch of froth it's fermenting just fine :thumb:

In my opinion, airlocks on buckets are a complete and utter waste of time. If the gas being generated by fermentation can find any way around the lid, and it only needs the slightest crack, why should it bother going through an airlock?

It's working, leave it alone for a week.
Hi Ab you still fretting ;), we're all the same when we first started.

Agree to just forget about it for a week now and plan your next brew
hi guys just a quick update. thats the beer been in the fv for 8 days now, as the post above says i didnt think it was fermenting so gave it a good stir which produced a bit of froth but still no bubbling whatsoever.

it smells ok so I decided to take a hydrometer test today and its sitting at 1012 but looks a little thick, i dont know whether thats normal cos its the stuff nearest the bottom?not had a taste yet, just wanted to check if this sounds normal or if something has went wrong. whats the best thing to do?
jst had a wee taste from the hydrometer jar, its obviously flat as a witches tit but its not to bad, alot more beery tasting that I thought!

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