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Active Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Hi I've just joined today so hello.
Can anyone help me with a query. I'm brewing so larger for the first time and I'm wondering how much sugar do I use to prime 500ml bottles. And can I put them straight in the fridge or do I have to leave it to settle a bit first.
You want a half teaspoon per bottle, then leave at room temp for at least a week, then chill for at least a week prior to drinking! Boom!
Can I use normal granulated sugar or is brewing sugar better.
Also I've read that some people use normal house hold bleach to sterilise equipment. Would you advise this or am I better off using a proper sterilising agent.
And what should be the finishing FG of larger.
For a Lager most people use 1tsp per 500ml bottle. I would recommend picking up some proper measuring spoons to get some consistency.

Most people will recommend batch priming for future brews. But for this you will need a Bottling bucket. I'm quite happy individually priming the bottles. I enjoy the whole process.

I would use a no rinse such as starsan, makes the bottling process much easier than using something like bleach and having to rinse a lot.

I use brewing sugar (dextrose) for priming but you can just use normal sugar.
welcome....ordinary household sugar is fine for priming bottles ( remember its a cooks measuring spoon you should use )
Thin bleach is a good steraliser although it needs to be well rinsed.....far better to fork out and buy a no rinse one like Star San or Videne.
Am I to believe that the OG of larger is about 1006. And do I have to bottle it straight away or car I leave it a few days.