First red wine on the go

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Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Made a batch of red using tesco fresh RGJ.

It didn't go completely to plan as the juice had a higher SG than I expected (1.070 instead of 1.060) and then when I added the sugar solution the SG was too low so I had to make up some more. Then I forgot the tea :evil:

So I added the tea later that night.

Next day it was bubbling so fast they were tripping over themselves. Really fizzing, I thought it was going to be a volcano but it stayed in the DJ.

I'll add the recipe tomorrow. I won't add it to the recipe thread until I've tasted it.
Ingredients were :-

4 ltrs Tesco not from concentrate RGJ
3 grams lalvin 71B yeast
600 grams sugar (too much I think)
10 grams citric acid
10 grams yeast nutrient
1/8 cup Assam tea

OG well over 1.090, probably nearer 1.1.

Still fizzing away nicely in the DJ.
Racked into another DJ last night. SG down to 1.004. Tasted it (of course), fruity, young, with an after taste of cherries.

Not exactly premier cru but everyone in the family liked it :razz: