First post and a bit confused

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New Member
May 10, 2009
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Exmoor, Zumerzet
Hi all , I have just started my first Cider kit (john bull) I have been doing some reading and wonder if someone could clarify some things, As a complete newbie I havent taken a pre sugar hydro reading but have made the kit to 32 pints instead of 40 pints, Now am I right in thinking that I will lose some of the apple taste/smell due to the higher alcohol level, If so could I add apple juice instead of sugar when I bottle it to replace some of the appleiness. Also can you taste it after a couple of days(sterilised of course) and does it hurt to take the lid off of the bucket. And lastly as I havent checked the SG before starting whats the best thing to do in regard to knowing when to bottle/keg the brew?
Thanks for your patience and sorry for all the questions.
Okay, not sure about the apple taste and high alcohol, it will probably taste a little drier. It's not a problem to take the lid off after a couple of days and have a taste, just make sure that anything that touches the liquid has been sterilised.

Check that the fermentation has completed before bottling, take a hydrometer meeting, then take it again a day later and if it's not changed then its okay to bottle.

Give us a shout if you have any more problems.
Sheep, hope this makes sense few beers down.

making it stronger by reducing the volume should make it even more appley than the longer length :cheers:

add apple juice to prime it is fun :party: but make sure it does not have nasty preservatives in it. :shock:

tasting is a requirement, I believe it is in fact law :nono: and punishable by drinking tescos own lager if you don't :sick:

As to when to bottle keg the same rules apply when the SG is the same for 24 hrs cider goes a lot lower than beer so 1003 would not be out of possibility, just keep that fermenter at 18 Degrees and let the beasties feast.

hope that helps, I'll probably forget I was on tonight so won't read it in the morning :oops:
Im not too sure on the temp to be honest its in the larder , I can get as much preservative free juice as I want :D for next to nothing which is good for my wallet and bad for my guts lol, I will have a taste tomorrow and will check until I get two days of un moving SG, Thanks a lot and I hope your head dont hurt to much tomorrow :-)

PS is there any way of checking how strong the cider is as I forgot to take a reading before starting or do I just gauge how many pints it takes to fall on my **** lol
sheep600fx said:
Im not too sure on the temp to be honest its in the larder , I can get as much preservative free juice as I want :D for next to nothing
Can I be your best mate :lol:

Seriously though, if you can get AJ cheap, invest in some WLP775 yeast and forget about cider kits :drink:
Until recently I worked for a big juice company and can get 12 litres of any juice for £3.50 :-)) so will be definatley having a bash using juice next time, If it was up to you would you bottle or keg it?
Personally I'd keg it, but I'm a lazy sod :oops:
To give you a more informed answer, generally if you want sparkling cider you will need to bottle, if you use a plastic homebrew barrel you will only get low carbonation :)
I have got a soda stream so I could get busy with the fizzy lol, But I think I will use the tesco 2 litre cheapo lemonade bottles dont see much point in a smaller bottle :cheers: lol.
Thanks again for all your help tonight It must get a bit frustrating answering the same questions time and time again, I will get some of that yeast on tuesday and buy another bucket and get a second batch on the go as I have my reservations about this kit :?
Can you drink the cider after fermentation has completed(before bottling)as I want to free up the bucket lol and as all the stuff i used to drink was flat and cloudy as hell lol I am guessing thats proper scrumpy???
We don't mind answering your questions we were all new once :thumb:
Drink it when you like :thumb: it won't hurt you, apart from a possible hangover :lol:
Traditional cider is served flat :drink:
But if you want to carbonate some, ask at your local pub if they will save you some of the empty magners/bulmers bottles that they usually throw away ;)
Well I bottled up 18 litres today as my hydrometer hasnt budged for 2 days, Added 2 tsp of sugar per 2 lt bottle, Had a bit of a taste :cheers: and its ok but not as appley as I hoped it would be, Also quite acidic(but nice) and still a little bit yeasty. Will I see signs of second stage fermentation as nothings happened yet(8 hours) Oh and the most important question, How long till it would be at its best?

Oh and I am getting free apples from my local fruit and veg shop is there any reason why I cant add the juice from them to the concentrate juice I am going to get??. Thanks again guys
I assume that you have bottled in plastic 2L bottles? If so you will be able to feel the bottles become firm over time :thumb:
To answer your other question yes you can add the juice from fresh apples to your concentrate :thumb:
Don't worry ;)
Those bottles will swell like balloons before they explode :lol:
Just keep an eye on them :thumb:

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