First Overnight Mash Advise

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Feb 27, 2016
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hi folks

Tonight im about to embark on my first overnight mash,

Is there any additional requirements to this process I need to know about before I start, more water? higher temp?, would it have to be kept and maintained at the same temp or am I ok to leave it covered in a water tank cover?

I could but leavibg the oven on over night doesnt sit well with me, i may give this a go for a day mash though,
But ill go with BC's suggestion for now. Cheers all same
I have thought about mashing at night. Recirculating the wort for an hour like normal then turning it all off and sparging in the morning. Loads of people seem to do overnight mashing. I suppose you cant mash out though and last beer i made i got 4 extra points from raising up to 75c. Not much of a downside though.
The good thing was i could squeeze the bag easier due tothe drop in temp, suprising how much liqour stays inside the bag. Really hoping this brew has better effiency than previous.
Its definately worth a go if you know ur a bit strapped for time the following day.

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