I'm planning on brewing my first lager in a week or so and there are a couple of issues I'm concerned about including oxidation during cold crashing and then during lagering. Currently this is my plan for fermentation and lagering:
Ferment around 10°C
Raise temp to 18°C for two days for Diactyl rest once fermentation has complete or when within a couple of points of terminal gravity
Cold crash for a couple of days then lager for a couple of months
Just wondering if you could advise on the following points:
1. How much of a risk of oxidation is there during the cold crashing? I'm usually not bothered about hazy beer so have never cold crashed before. However I know that there can be a risk as the beer cools and absorbs the CO2 sat on top of the beer and then oxygen after that. I'll be fermenting a small 10L batch in a 23L bucket, so a hell of a lot of head space.
2. When would the best time to transfer to a secondary be? My secondary will be two 5L demijohns, so a seriously reduced head space! My thinking is that it would be best to cold crash first, this way the larger head space in my primary will allow more CO2 to be absorbed as apposed to oxygen?
3. How much trouble will unstable lagering temps cause me? I'm planning 2 brews in the months after brewing my lager, so was planning on using my fermentation fridge for these and taking advantage of the winter temperatures by just lagering in the garage. However this will obviously lead to unstable temps, so not sure if its a good plan or not! Depending on how long I lager for, I'll be able to move back to the fridge when the weather starts getting warmer!
Thanks for any help!
Ferment around 10°C
Raise temp to 18°C for two days for Diactyl rest once fermentation has complete or when within a couple of points of terminal gravity
Cold crash for a couple of days then lager for a couple of months
Just wondering if you could advise on the following points:
1. How much of a risk of oxidation is there during the cold crashing? I'm usually not bothered about hazy beer so have never cold crashed before. However I know that there can be a risk as the beer cools and absorbs the CO2 sat on top of the beer and then oxygen after that. I'll be fermenting a small 10L batch in a 23L bucket, so a hell of a lot of head space.
2. When would the best time to transfer to a secondary be? My secondary will be two 5L demijohns, so a seriously reduced head space! My thinking is that it would be best to cold crash first, this way the larger head space in my primary will allow more CO2 to be absorbed as apposed to oxygen?
3. How much trouble will unstable lagering temps cause me? I'm planning 2 brews in the months after brewing my lager, so was planning on using my fermentation fridge for these and taking advantage of the winter temperatures by just lagering in the garage. However this will obviously lead to unstable temps, so not sure if its a good plan or not! Depending on how long I lager for, I'll be able to move back to the fridge when the weather starts getting warmer!
Thanks for any help!