So got this underway on Sunday evening. Came back to it bubbling away on Monday evening. Now its in a very cold kitchen so I have had it on a warming mat and on Monday it showed 22 degrees. By last night it had slowed and dropped to 20. Now its at 18. Bit worried that my warmer has packed in or could this big a pro in temp be down to yeast activity and fermentation slowing down?
Temperatures were only on a sticker thermometer so not very accurate. May take SG to see where its at over the weekend.
My plan is to leave it in the FV for ten days then dry hop it and leave for another 5. Reading some of the reviews of the kit it suggests it may be very hoppy which I don't fancy much so I may chuck a quarter of the hops away.
Temperatures were only on a sticker thermometer so not very accurate. May take SG to see where its at over the weekend.
My plan is to leave it in the FV for ten days then dry hop it and leave for another 5. Reading some of the reviews of the kit it suggests it may be very hoppy which I don't fancy much so I may chuck a quarter of the hops away.