First ever brew questions.

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New Member
Jun 5, 2013
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Hi, this is my first post here. Ive been reading a few threads here, and decided to sign up! So hi guys!

Quick catchup on what I have done so far...

I purchased a Coopers complete kit, Fermenting bucket with tap, hydrometer... etc. The kit came with a Mexican Cerveza canned kit, which I was slightly disappointed in, until I read the reviews on here giving it a thumbs up. Got this rolling 4 days ago closely following instructions, and had a starting temperature of around 24 degrees when I added the supplied yeast.

Took around 18-24 hours go really get rolling, and after day 3, I removed the krausen collar, as instructed.

Now 4 days after starting the brew, I have been reading in the forums that an ideal temperature would be 18-20 degrees, however, with the weather here in the midlands (UK) being fairly warm, and the brew is in our kitchen which gets warm during summer months, I have had a temperature through the 4 days ranging from 20-24 degrees

If I understand right, this is a little too warm and can create 'hangover' alcohols (for want of a better word). Im not going to ask if the brew is going to be ok, as from other people asking the question, it appears to be hit or miss whether it will be ok or not.

Can anybody well me how I could tell if it has produced these 'hangover' alcohols by taste? (I intend to continue on till the end with this one) Will it have a strange taste? How bad can the effects be from a temperature of 24 degrees?

Also, the bubbles on the surface are subsiding, and the brew is starting to look a little less cloudy, as the yeast has started to settle down. It was flowing around like it was being stirred at its most vigorous. Is it safe to taste a little now, or would it be better to wait until I have had a steady FG reading over a 24hr period?

Thanks, and fingers crossed this one turns out ok.

p.s. Great resource of information here. Already learned loads.

You're talking about fusel alcohols which are rumoured to contribute to hangovers... I'm not certain there is a confirmed link.

Anyway, you'll know if you fermented too warm as there may be a solventy taste to your beer though at 24 you'll probably be fine.

It's all a learning curve.
Welcome along!

If it's been between 20 and 24, it'll probably have levelled out at around 23ish inside the FV - that amount of liquid doesn't warm or cool quickly, so it should be ok.

As mentioned, it will have a cheap-vodka-y taste if it's been fermented too high, but I did my coopers last summer at around 22C and it still tastes nice now.

I reckon you'll be fine!

Regarding timing, ignore what the kit says and leave it in there for at least 10 days, then check the gravity after that. It should be somewhere below 1.012 (probably nearer 1.008 with that temperature). If it is, then it's good to taste.

However, it won't be anywhere near it's best. The coopers kits really benefit from maturation - prime and bottle, leave in the warm for 1-2 weeks, then somewhere cooler for 4-6 weeks and the flavour changes dramatically. Far less yeasty taste and far more like a decent beer!
Hi Luke I got this with my coopers diy kit. And my temps were between 20'and 23 it's bin bottled for just over a month now and just had my first bottle today and am pretty impressed with it as its my first one :thumb:
Welcome to the forum. I shouldn't worry too much, it will probably be fine. Use your hydrometer as the guide to when fermentation has finished (once it's been constant for 3 days).
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I'll take your advice on board. It's been 6 days, and there seems to be very little activity in the mix, and the colour is clearing somewhat, which I assume to be the yeast settling.

I took a hydrometer reading today, and the number was roughly 1.006-1.007 which following the information I have read, is approaching happy times!

I also had a quick taste (and didnt turn blind or anything !!!) and it doesnt taste particularly bad at all... certainly not vodka like. A little weaker in flavour that I expected... but thats probably likely to change during the next 4-6 weeks.

Will keep check over the weekend to see if it drops any lower, but if I stays roughly the same, will put those brown plastic PET bottles to good use!

Just a few more questions on priming/bottling. I will be using 1 carb drop per bottle, as per instructions...
- For the first 2 weeks of keeping in the warm, is this the same temperature I have been brewing at, i.e. Slightly above room temp?
- and after that, cooler as in fridge cool, or shady concrete garage floor cool?
- If my hydrometer readings have gone from 1.038 to 1.006, will that give me a rough Alc % of 3.7% (3.2 + 0.5) after priming and conditioning?

Thanks for all your wisdom! Really boosting my confidence!

lukenotts said:
Just a few more questions on priming/bottling. I will be using 1 carb drop per bottle, as per instructions...
- For the first 2 weeks of keeping in the warm, is this the same temperature I have been brewing at, i.e. Slightly above room temp?
- and after that, cooler as in fridge cool, or shady concrete garage floor cool?
- If my hydrometer readings have gone from 1.038 to 1.006, will that give me a rough Alc % of 3.7% (3.2 + 0.5) after priming and conditioning?

Welcome to brewing :)

Leave it 10-14 days in the fermenter, even if it's stopped fermenting - the yeast will clean up some of their byproducts.

To answer your questions:

1. Yep, any sort of room-temperature warmth is fine - temperature here isn't as critical as it is during fermentation
2. Either - cool garage floor is absolutely fine if you don't want to take up fridge space for ages - lots of us condition bottles that way
3. I ignore alcohol added during priming as negligible. Even so, your beer is stronger than that - (original points - final points) / 7.5 gives (38 - 6) / 7.5 = 4.2%
Hi Luke.
Looks as though you are doing OK.
I wouldn't expect too much more flavour out of the Cerveza though as it is a really light style even when made with 100% malt (LME/DME) so anything else such as sugar or brew enhancer will reduce this. It should be OK if really cold.
Thanks again. I wasnt aware of the alcohol content formula... I really should read the supplied instruction manual... clearly states the formula! Duh!

Anyhow, with regards to cooling the beer, we have enough room in our fridge for approx half the bottles, so I may go half in fridge, half in garage.

As for me saying it lacked flavour... I have a bit of a throat infection at the moment, so the old taste buds may not be up to scratch. I know people have been giving the Mexican rave reviews, so Im hopeful of something nice and refreshing!

Just jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a bundle of more equipment from a highstreet stores website which Im not allowed to mention as a new poster (post looks too spammy) so certainly got bit by the home brew bug.
You can use the forum calculator to calculate the ABV. The link is at the top left of every page. It also gives 4.2% to which I would add 0.2% for priming giving 4.4%.

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