First Corny kegging - co2 or a mix

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Active Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Just wondering what peoples thoughts were, I'm going to get a 6.5kg bottle not sure whether to go for a pure co2 bottle or a nitrogen mix.

100% Co2
30% Co2-70% Nitrogen
50% Co2-50% Nitrogen
60% Co2-40% Nitrogen

I know pure Co2 gives a higher carbonation ideal for lagers etc and a higher nitrogen mix would be better for stouts i think if i've got that right. I intend to be using it over a wide range of brews. current one ready to go will be an AG Porter :)
I think the general consensus (but I'm ready to be told I'm wrong) is that nitrogen is only suitable for stout (don't know if that includes porter). For anything else, it is considered an abomination, IMHO.
Agreed, you are far better going with 100% CO2! So long as you carbonate properly and have proper serving taps you will be able to achieve some great heads on any style!
If you get a mixed bottle then you will need a different regulator than if you get a CO2 bottle.
Thanks for the input guys, well afterwork tonight I headed out and picked up a 6.5kg co2 bottle, all ready to go now once my porters fermented.
I might bang my ginger beer can in the fv when I keg this up so I've got another on the go till I can do AG#3 in a couple of weeks. :D
Nitrogen mix can also be used on bitters to gain the consistency of bitters in pubs such as John Smiths. I know we all turn our noses up at this, but my left over kit of Wherry will be force carbed in the corny with Nitrogen mix for the bitter drinkers at BBQ's during the summer.

Will see how it turns out
ScottSmith said:
Nitrogen mix can also be used on bitters to gain the consistency of bitters in pubs such as John Smiths. I know we all turn our noses up at this, but my left over kit of Wherry will be force carbed in the corny with Nitrogen mix for the bitter drinkers at BBQ's during the summer.

Will see how it turns out
But why ruin good beer? :wha: