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Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
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Hello everyone.
I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking.
1. I stirred in my yeast is this going to effect my beer?
2. My brew has been on the go now for the past 4 days and I'm not sure what the signs of fermenting are. The fermenter has expanded but that seems to be it.
3. I have a fermenting bucket is it wrong to open this before bottling? As I'm a bit confused when the test the beer.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I it may be a bit cool so I wrapped a heavy blanket around it but the room at its coldest can only be 15c
It has a dark ring around the side but that is all I can see not sure if I should be taking off the lid or not.
Stirring in the yeast won't matter, you may have got some oxygen in there which makes the yeast GROW before it starts to "work"

It's usually started by now though, that's why I asked about the temperature.

Was everything sterilised thoroughly?
I was pretty vigours, i used the sterilisation power from wilkinson. Had to do it in the bath though as this is the only place large enough to do it.
I guessing I should be seeing a bit more activity by now?
I may move it to a warmer room as I'm a bit concerned that it may be to cool or is the a moot point now?
I have the odd peek under the lid... cant help it :D .15C is too cold, try to keep it warmer say 20c. I use a fish tank immersion heater bought on ebay for £7.50 or so, and it does the job well. As me and the wife both work the temperature in the house would drop below the desired temp for some hours, so the 50watt heater sorts it. :thumb:
Thanks for the help I've moved the fermenter to the living room now so fingers crossed.
Just noticed you said you used the bath to sterilise in... what I do is use the actual FV bucket itself, about 10 litres of hot water with the appropriate amount of sterilising powder in it. Bung all your stuff to sterilise in it, have a sandwich, watch telly for half an hour, then come back, and using a dedicated to the sterilising process scouring/sponge thing, wipe everything to make sure it's clean, then wipe the lid of the bucket with the sponge, rinse it under running cold water, put on table, upturned.

Then just individual rinse everything you have sterilised under the running cold water, and put on the lid once rinsed. Then empty the FV bucket, and rinse it.
Opened beer and tested with hydrometer and its just off bottling. Closed it up and will leave for a few more days and then bottle.
It tasted and smelt like beer :thumb:

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